Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] allow [art] " in BNC.

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1 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
2 But inevitably , it was not enough to kiss fingers or allow a caress at arm 's length : she wanted much , much more .
3 The system can either access cache data or allow the client 's disk to act as a personal NFS server .
4 There are many commercially available interface units that allow the ZX Spectrum to be connected to printers of one type or another .
5 The MP added : ‘ I 'm calling on Saville 's to withdraw as quickly as possible from the deal and allow the local authorities to acquire the land .
6 Now close your eyes and allow the picture to come into your mind of where you were when you last had the item in your possession .
7 The UK , he says , gave full support to the system because it will cut out fraud and allow the EC to get tough with countries who are not operating the common agricultural policy fully or properly .
8 The program can suggest a list of alternative words and allow the user to choose a substitute , the user can edit the file to correct the word , or the user can confirm that this is in fact a correctly spelled word , and should be added to the program 's dictionary .
9 At a user group meeting in Aberdeen , Tim Haynes , POSC 's European technical director , said he hoped the integration platform would establish guidelines for suppliers working to develop interoperable applications for the oil industry and allow the oil companies themselves to harmonise their internal IT efforts .
10 This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices .
11 It drew an analogy with cases that allow the President to exercise a wide freedom of action when normalising relations with foreign countries .
12 In others the seeds hang out on funicles and are dispersed by bats ; others have persistent calyces that allow the fruit to float .
13 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
14 At least it may allow the client to do some local shopping or allow a child more space outside .
15 Public law cases may be transferred up , down and across the court system where this will avoid delay , facilitate consolidation or allow the case to be heard at an appropriate level .
16 Sbarro compared the links to hydraulic jacks that allow the body height to be changed to vary ride comfort without affecting the way the suspension functions .
17 Mark Fisher 's Right to Know Bill would reform the Official Secrets Act and allow a general right of access to official records for members of the public .
18 And Ralph Hawkes , who was a splendid person and a very good friend , was not prepared to extend friendship to this degree and allow the piece to be done in Sadler 's Wells , and he took a lot of persuading .
19 When establishing a subsidiary , local legal and taxation regulations must make it possible to set up a profitable subsidiary and allow the parent company to extract profits from the country .
20 What a gyro does do , however , is to damp out unwanted movements and allow the pilot more time to react .
21 In such a case , we should pay our proportion and allow the NCD as the policyholder has not intimated a claim under the Home policy .
22 Would it not be preferable to absorb infanticide into the doctrine of diminished responsibility and allow the prosecution to charge manslaughter in such cases ?
23 Avoid moisture based products which swell the hair and allow the pigment to escape .
24 Do the courts ignore the police malpractice and allow the jury to hear evidence of this confession , thereby , of course , greatly increasing the chances of a guilty verdict ?
25 After Izzie finished playing her recorder , it was her job to loosen off the ropes and allow the scenery clouds to flop forwards on their hinges , revealing God and all His angels …
26 Checking back replies with the parents can confirm these family views and allow the parents to talk further and explain what it means .
27 Our aim was to limit any potential toxicity from absorption and allow the possibility of doubling the dose with enemas twice daily should this be required in clinical use .
28 How much more quickly does my hon. Friend think that we might achieve a balance between exports and imports when we introduce a minimum wage , increase taxes on investment , increase personal taxes and allow the trade unions to ride rough shod once again ?
29 To avoid being thrown when sailing in waves , look ahead to choose the best course and allow the waves to flex over the waves .
30 Important characteristics of expert systems are that they provide advice in problem-solving based on the knowledge of experts , facilitate learning through experience and allow the use of natural language processing .
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