Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i looked " in BNC.

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1 Er , you , Jean and I looked absolutely .
2 Helen Stoner and I looked at him in surprise .
3 My clogs clattered on the steps and I looked back over my shoulder a couple of times to see if Frankie was following me , but he was n't .
4 The atmosphere was thick with tension but I looked at Mick and he glared back ; here was a guy ready to go for it and nobody was going to stop him .
5 It 's added a certain anticipation as well to the placement job I 've been doing — ‘ Oh come on someone must have something to say ’ was a regular feeling/thought as I looked at the monitor in anticipation .
6 It was only after I 'd stopped doing that and gone into the corner to have a piss that I looked over into the other corner where there was a pile of rusty cans and old bottles ; there I saw the jagged stripes of the sleeping snake .
7 Instead she fidgeted in her seat , unable to relax , as the Mirror 's royal photographer Kent Gavin and I looked on .
8 Karen and I looked at each other , half-amused , half-disturbed .
9 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
10 ‘ I thought I could handle it — but the very next day we 'd been sightseeing and returned to our suite and I looked into your eyes and felt myself drowning .
11 See , Mum and I looked a bit up in my book
12 I was walking and he was with his mum and I looked up cos I know what his mum looks like and he was walking with his mum .
13 In fact , I came to the conclusion that I looked rather good in glasses .
14 We rode a little , walked , talked , played cards in the evening and I looked out for Poppy .
15 The Lorrimores , followed by everyone still in the dining room , went dashing off into the dome car , but Emil and I looked at each other , and I said , ‘ How do we warn that train ? ’
16 I used to sleep in the same bed as my mother and father because of the shortage of space , but one morning I woke up in another room and I looked out and saw the undertaker standing at the top of the stairs .
17 Johann left the room and I looked at Sapt .
18 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
19 My face had that closed concentration of the solitary walker but I looked happy .
20 IT IS many years since I looked at Punch for anything except the advertisements .
21 But none of this disturbed my mind or my body as I looked across at the girl in the coffee bar .
22 ‘ I 'm disappointed with the criticism I got , stuff like I looked light years away from Tyson , ’ he said .
23 ‘ I 'm disappointed with the criticism I got , stuff like I looked light years away from Tyson , ’ he said .
24 Sleep is impossible yet the Commando in the next trench when I looked in on him was sleeping soundly , his face and arms uncovered and the mosquitoes completely ignoring him .
25 Here was the woman I wanted to marry , the woman I thought of every day as I looked beyond the cell to make plans for the future .
26 There was a chandelier directly overhead , and a thousand little tingles of pain edged back into my head as I looked into it .
27 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
28 I met Belinda — the Belinda from Sotheby 's — and we had a little chin-wag before I looked round the exhibition .
29 Gunga drove off over the bridge as I looked around for a suitable spot to get some practice in .
30 Suddenly , there was a commotion at the door and I looked up and saw the skinny preacher walk in .
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