Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 In its structure , and in its management problems and concerns , it will bear little resemblance to the typical manufacturing company , circa 1950 , which our textbooks still consider the norm .
2 ( d ) Explain briefly why accountants normally consider a provision for bad and doubtful debts necessary but are less likely to insist on a provision for discounts allowable to debtors .
3 In view of the widespread and sometimes ill-founded criticism of the recent franchise round and despite the uniform excellence of the successful tenders , will my right hon. Friend nevertheless consider the possibility of providing a review system so as either to show up ways in which it could be improved in future or to demonstrate that an extremely good job has been done by the Independent Television Commission ?
4 When considering the principle and amount of funding for schools in Cleveland , will my hon. Friend also consider the funding of schools in Ealing ?
5 Will my hon. Friend also consider the roads to the south of Swindon through Marlborough and Devizes to Salisbury ?
6 Many Irish catholic nationalists also consider the British and their Orange allies to have established tyrannical government in a part of Ireland .
7 Well Miss rang me up about twenty to nine and said could I come in for the day and I said you 've had it for the day though consider the afternoon .
8 The Working Party recommended that the Goode Enquiry consider the need for regular legal , as well as financial , audits of pension schemes and that the Enquiry also consider the importance of legally correct and effective originating documentation .
9 And while the White House has publicly dismissed anti-war demonstrators as well-meaning but ‘ misguided individuals ’ , off the record , some presidential advisers reportedly consider the anti-war movement a danger to be dealt with , noting that ‘ its membership is mainstream and 100 times stronger now than at the beginning of Vietnam . ’
10 If there are a small number of personal injury lawyers in your firm then consider a newsletter that covers several areas of law such as other litigation matters .
11 BKZ also consider the case of an incompressible elastic fluid of the type referred to in the literature as Coleman-Noll .
12 But the measure of performance in dollar terms helps to confirm that BP is making progress towards its overall aim of adding value to its assets at a time when analysts generally consider the international oil industry as a whole to be under continuing pressure through uncertain trends in oil price .
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