Example sentences of "[noun] [art] week to " in BNC.

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1 Newspapers must be paid for , out of petty cash , on a Friday every week to : I & A Shand Newsagents 560 Gorgie Road Edinburgh ( Tel.No. 031.443.2865 )
2 Just one , one buying those damn cylinders every week to ten days !
3 Thus , the benefit for a pensioner couple over 80 will rise from £88.45 a week to £96.15 a week — an increase of 8.7 per cent. , which is more than double the increase in the retail prices index .
4 There was only one form of public transport , the carrier 's horse and cart that went once or mice a week to the town , and even then with little room or encouragement for passengers .
5 Shop stewards have recommended accepting the offer of just under 9 per cent — worth £10 a week to most bakers — two extra days ' holiday by April 1991 to make five weeks a year , and other benefits , including better sick pay .
6 Pensions will increase by £1.95 a week to £56.10 for a single person and £3.10 a week to £89.80 for couples .
7 He supplied me with money — fourpence a week to be precise .
8 They are supplying about 150 pounds of fresh morels a week to customers around the country .
9 A daytime shuttle bus operates 6 days a week to the village .
10 All prospective CAB voluntary advice workers will be told that they may be required to make a commitment of one to two days a week to a bureau as well as six sessions a year of in-service training after their basic training .
12 She thought it would be a big mistake for Nick to devote two or three days a week to the newspaper at the expense of the family business .
13 But he has now returned two days a week to Magnet in Darlington , where he was a systems analyst , to try and improve his memory .
14 Trading vessels went down the canal every week to Grimsby and Hull and every month to London .
15 In 1985 , 26% of carers who devoted over 20 hours a week to caring were over 65 themselves .
16 Recent calls by the Home Office Minister , John Patten , for those who are successful to give three hours a week to voluntary causes could be taken more seriously if overall government policy were not pushing people in the opposite direction .
17 Comparin g urban Britain in 1950 and in 1971 , housewiv es have added seven hours a week to their working time during this period .
18 But many organists have undertaken some years of an expensive musical training and still give many hours a week to practising .
19 In addition Mrs scheme at page forty three provides for a further twenty eight hours a week to be provided in some other way , that it is suggested is parental care , but it seems to me that it would either be parental care or hired care .
20 Bedfordshire female plaiters declined in numbers from 20,701 in 1871 to as few as 485 thirty years later as wages tumbled from ten shillings a week to as little as one or two shillings .
21 Some classes gave as little as half an hour a week to science and , on average , it took only 5 per cent of the timetable .
22 It may range from one afternoon a week to full extension services opening daily , staffed by a paid worker and volunteers .
23 He was able to manage the May term at Cuddesdon , though he needed still to go three times a week to London to see Browne for treatment .
24 Air Malta will also fly three times a week to southern Tunisia to pick up passengers who have left Tripoli by road .
25 And even though the courtesy coaches which run three times a week to Ierapetra and Sitia got booked days in advance , local buses were reliable and cheap .
26 The average incidence of vomiting fell from six times a week to once a week at the last session .
27 She could never remember just how the rag business started , but she recollected that she no longer went three times a week to the paid school .
28 The company , which can send up to 15 tonnes of salmon and 500kgs of scallop meat a week to France , has now halted exports after its French haulier said it was no longer possible to insure the cargo .
29 I pay 11p a week to be a member of the union but I really think it is a waste of hard earned money .
30 So they cut his maintenance payments from four pounds a week to the minimum five pence a year .
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