Example sentences of "fling himself into " in BNC.

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1 When it came time to fling himself into the cradle of the flying harness , the back scenery was slippery with rain , and Gabriel 's bare feet slithered against the paint so that he plunged nose down , the harness slipped down to his hips , and he sawed to and fro , arms outstretched .
2 Then he turned and flung himself into his nanny 's arms .
3 He flung himself into a chair and drew out his Marlboros .
4 He flung himself into athletics and , eventually became a top-flight international sprinter ; which is just as well , for , had he not realized his early promise , he would have been stuck in a sports shop with no qualifications — which would not have reflected what he considered his genuine educational aptitude .
5 There he flung himself into the local setting with characteristic abandon and commitment , participating in the daily round of village life with an eagerness and zest which he attributed partly to his Polish temperament ; there he established standards of meticulous and painstaking observation and inquiry which have been an inspiration to social anthropologists ever since .
6 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
7 Alain flung himself into a chair , his lips twisted into the old sardonic smile .
8 Amiss flung himself into an armchair .
9 An audience never failed to gasp and cry out when Gabriel flung himself into the flying harness , arms outstretched and billowing with silk .
10 He flung himself into the driving seat .
11 He flung himself into a chair without waiting to be asked .
12 Mr Yeltsin flung himself into preparations for a plebiscite to undercut the legislature 's power , amid fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war .
13 He has always worked hard to present himself as a rounded political being and flung himself into debates on law and public safety , the environment and unemployment .
14 In the instant before Laura replaced the bung I understood how that ancient Japanese potter might have flung himself into those dazzling fountains .
15 He had meant to say a prayer of thanks for his escape and for his mercy , but all he did was to spread his arm protectively across the stone , and lie there breathing deeply , embracing his father , and as gratefully at rest as though he had flung himself into Master Harry 's living arms .
16 We can not , therefore , feel surprised that Professor Coleman , beset by so many obstacles in that particular branch of our art , and having arrived at an advanced period of life , could not fling himself into its pursuit ; nor was it reasonable to expect it from him ’ .
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