Example sentences of "content itself with " in BNC.

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1 Some parts of Bull 's activities are viewed as more important strategically for France than others , an industry ministry official told Reuter , declining to give details , but noted that even in a nationally strategic sector like electronic components , France contents itself with owning 45% of SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV , with Italy as an equal partner and a small private holding held by Thorn EMI Plc .
2 Some parts of Bull 's activities are viewed as more important strategically for France than others , an industry ministry official told Reuter , declining to give details , but noted that even in a nationally strategic sector like electronic components , France contents itself with owning 45% of SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV , with Italy as an equal partner and a small private holding held by Thorn EMI Plc .
3 The result is a predictably idealistic criticism which at one level contents itself with rapid reference to formalistic definitions , and at another assesses the products of socialist realism with imprecise criteria culled generally from a liberal bourgeois critical tradition .
4 The Younger Committee made no attempt at a definitive statement on what constituted privacy , contenting itself with a summary of different approaches and attempts at definition .
5 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
6 Modern instrumentalists elaborate Kautskly 's proposition that the capitalist class rules but does not itself govern , contenting itself with ruling successive governments , a claim which is commonly elaborated through a point-by-point critique of pluralism .
7 British liberal political thought , hitherto contenting itself with a more or less straightforward advocacy of laissez-faire non-interventionist policies , began to transform itself into what has been called " social liberalism " .
8 ( British Steel , incidentally , a major backer , wisely contented itself with anchoring a rather elegant yacht outside , a nice counterpoise to Grimshaw 's distinctly nautical architecture . )
9 The committee did not engage in a research programme in the manner of the earlier Maud Committee , but contented itself with receiving evidence and visiting a number of local authorities in the early months of 1972 .
10 If he were to defeat a Labour government as soon as it had taken office , the Liberals would be accused of frivolity in precipitating an unnecessary election , especially if Labour contented itself with moderate policies as it intended to do .
11 At home , it will probably content itself with continuing to fill gaps in its branch network by buying thrifts .
12 Power Parallel , on the other hand , will content itself with multi-chip versions of the current RS/6000 chip Rios , Filip said .
13 A truly political art , he realised , would not content itself with the message alone ; it would it had to engage the viewer in a questioning of the nature of the institutions and the pressures they exert , and thereby subject them to the necessary critique .
14 It does not content itself with giving guidance in the form of general principles , codes or rules .
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