Example sentences of "continue to rise at " in BNC.

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1 M4 , the best measure we have , has risen at an annual rate of around 18 per cent , and even this year it has continued to rise at that rate .
2 WHILE the recession has reduced many families ' incomes , school fees have continued to rise at about twice the rate of inflation .
3 In December 1987 the cost-of-living index was 170 per cent above its level in December of the previous year , and even under the ‘ price freeze ’ of the first few months of 1988 , prices continued to rise at a rate equivalent to an annual rate of about 100 per cent .
4 One apparent reason for the delay was the Bush adminstration 's fear that to conclude a free-trade pact in mid-1992 as originally envisaged would be an electoral liability in the US presidential contest , opening Bush to attacks from protectionists that he was encouraging US companies to relocate to Mexico in search of cheap labour while unemployment continued to rise at home .
5 But , while inflation slowed from the summer of 1974 , prices as a whole continued to rise at an annual rate of 10 per cent during the depths of the slump .
6 The estimated cost of the Channel tunnel continues to rise at an alarming rate , to the distress of both shareholders and the company 's bankers .
7 So , an ‘ epidemic ’ of heroin use occurs when incidence rises ( above the normal , endemic level of use ) and continues to rise at a rate higher than the outcidence rate .
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