Example sentences of "see appendix b " in BNC.

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1 ( See Appendix B )
2 ( See Appendix B for the complete list . )
3 These were accepted in April and November 1897 ( see appendix B ) .
4 ( See Appendix B for details ) .
5 See Appendix B for further examples .
6 However we have already seen ( see Appendix B ) that the total number of candidate strings can number in the thousands , so any correction techniques applied to these would reach explosive proportions in terms of time taken and number of additional candidates produced .
7 An alternative notation which may sometimes be more convenient is ( 5 ) , with square brackets marking the fact that this word-meaning is taken to match an entity : If , however , the mind does not feel that BOTTLES is sufficiently specific to identify the target of its attention , then the identification may be extended as in ( 6 ) , where we adopt a plain arrowhead as our representation of qualification : We assume that a qualified entity remains an entity ( see Appendix B ) , and this can more conveniently be represented by our alternative notation as in : It is quite important to stress the retention of the same subscript i in ( 7 ) .
8 The right way to indicate its nature is , therefore , to give instances where it is present , and to describe its interaction with other parts of the system to which it belongs , in particular when the interaction leads to predictions which can be checked ; simple as the system may be , we shall find that successive interactions can swiftly lead to structures of quite satisfying complexity ( see Appendix B ) .
9 This holds good on condition that we are restricting our attention , as in this study , to syntax ; once we take the broader view which embraces speakers ' knowledge of vocabulary as well , then we must admit a real analogue to this relation since speakers are quite aware that their language habitually uses , for example this set of words to instantiate E , and that set of words to instantiate P ( or , in most languages , various sets of words to instantiate the Ps occurring in various different intensional patterns ; see Appendix B , Section 7 ) .
10 1.3 However , RSC Ord 38 and CCR Ord 20 are expressed to be subject to the Civil Evidence Act 1968 ( see Appendix B ) under which hearsay evidence in documents can be put in at trial if a party can not call the witness .
11 This and the Civil Evidence Act 1972 ( see Appendix B ) allow the court to admit hearsay evidence of fact and opinion from both lay and expert witnesses .
12 1.5 Under s11 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 ( see Appendix B ) parties can plead convictions against one another if they are relevant to issues in the civil proceedings .
13 Notes of the evidence given in those proceedings may be admissible under s2 or s4 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 ( see Appendix B ) .
14 1.8 The definition of " contributory negligence " in s1(1) of the Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act 1945 ( see Appendix B ) refers to " the claimant 's share in the responsibility for the damage " ( not the responsibility for the cause of the damage ) .
15 1.37 Limitation in personal injuries actions is governed by the Limitation Act 1980 ( see Appendix B ) which consolidates previous statutes of limitation .
16 The first of these is through the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 ( see Appendix B ) .
17 The present provisions are contained in the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 as amended ( see Appendix B ) .
18 ( For full references to all books cited in the text and details of other works which the reader may find useful , see Appendix B , Bibliography . )
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