Example sentences of "[Wh det] dates from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It also completed the long task of national reconciliation , burying by example the myth which dates from the 1946-49 Civil War , that right and left can never co-operate .
2 A ‘ phototec ’ which will allow greater access to the museum 's photographic collection which dates from the nineteenth century .
3 Images from Picasso 's eternally popular Vollard Suite , which dates from the early 1930s , bring between £8,000 and £12,000 plus — but these , though easy to like because of their smooth neo-classical style , are not coloured and were published in a fairly big edition .
4 Two others , Mr Constantin Pirvulescu and Mr Gheorghe Apostol , both held senior positions in the party during the Ceausescu era , which dates from the mid-Sixties .
5 The object of this latest project is Palermo Cathedral 's Chiaramonte crucifix , which dates from the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century and was given to the cathedral in 1311 by Manfredo Chiaramonte .
6 France 's increased commitment to space , which dates from the late 1950s , did not really come to fruition until the late 1970s .
7 It was during the restoration of the church , which dates from the Visigothic period ( approximately 460–700 AD ) , that Sauniere started behaving suspiciously .
8 The nearest precedent — which dates from the 30s — involved an incident of non-consensual heterosexual spanking in which only academic consideration was given to the effect which consent might have had .
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