Example sentences of "[adv prt] of the blue [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And then last week out of the blue they put production start-up back by another seven days .
2 When you are with a group of people and someone decides to be kind and ‘ bring you in ’ , out of the blue you will be told ‘ We are talking about … ’ which could be anything ranging from the Prime Minister 's latest speech or last night 's TV programme to the odd behaviour of the woman next door .
3 Most of the time one was all right — or at least as all right as one had ever been — and then out of the blue it struck , a hideous uprush of fear , of longing , of shame .
4 And she said , she said to her mother last week she went up to see her and she said to me she said , out of the blue it come she said
5 Suddenly out of the blue I received a tape from one of the members of the self-organizing group , the Liberation Network of People With Disabilities .
6 ‘ I was driving Kelly to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London , ’ Sandra says , ‘ and out of the blue she said to me : ‘ Mum , what happens when you die ?
7 Out of the blue he had got a job as a mail boy in the MGM studios at thirty dollars a week , twice as much as he was paid in the toy store .
8 Well , she 's been having an affair with this bloke for the last year or so and then out of the blue he turned round and …
9 Then once more out of the blue he said quietly , ‘ Are you elect ? ’
10 Now as you know when we used to do the sums we used to have a little bit of paper and , and work it out on this separate bit of paper , but he said to me out of the blue he said , where did it , how did you get that figure ?
11 Out of the blue he said : ‘ I only wish she could still be alive to enjoy it .
12 Then out of the blue he was given the go-ahead to play again .
13 Then out of the blue he got a phone call asking if he was still interested in the car as it had to be sold to make space for the family .
14 Mr Denny said : ‘ He then told her to put her clothes back on but out of the blue he stabbed her in the neck .
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