Example sentences of "[adv prt] in the opposite direction " in BNC.

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1 We were early for band call and , except for a gap-toothed , long-haired hippie groping along in the opposite direction , seemed to be alone .
2 And yet — what kind of a monster would he be if he ran off in the opposite direction ?
3 She did not understand what could have made the boy run off in the opposite direction .
4 The older horses would immediately thunder off in the opposite direction and the youngsters would immediately follow .
5 Often , in order to preserve peace , she would wander off in the opposite direction , to keep out of trouble .
6 Sandison himself set off in the opposite direction , towards his pensione .
7 Sandison waited for one minute and then also left , setting off in the opposite direction from Maidstone .
8 But when Neill rows to investigate , he is astonished to see his yacht , complete with his wife and dog , sail off in the opposite direction with the unhinged Zane at the wheel .
9 From the top of the bank Yanto noticed Billy and Janet wandering off in the opposite direction .
10 Tips for success : apply strips of wax to the hair , then strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth .
11 It bumped into his foot , beeped at him , and then bustled off in the opposite direction .
12 I was thoughtful as I headed off in the opposite direction .
13 That done he lets her go , and with his head over his shoulder turned , he goes out backwards without taking his yes off her … she runs off in the opposite direction .
14 HAMLET , however , continues the movement into an about-turn and walks off in the opposite direction .
15 He could hear people shouting in the distance and knew that they had gone chasing off in the opposite direction .
16 With a winning smile at a rather bemused young man , she dragged him up to dance , and every time she saw Feargal she made off in the opposite direction .
17 On the Iraqi side of the frontier , the town of al-Amarah , on the easternmost of the three Baghdad-Basrah roads , was seldom free of military activity , with convoys of trucks and armour pouring into it , and private cars and taxis carrying battlefield coffins on their roofs frequently setting off in the opposite direction .
18 When a strong concentration of sodium chloride is placed near to paramecium they turn and go off in the opposite direction .
19 Spotting the two journalists huddled together in conspiratorial conversation a few yards away , he hauled her off in the opposite direction .
20 After a few moments she climbed down to the space station and ran off in the opposite direction to the shapechanger .
21 As the geneticists of the early twentieth century turned their backs on field studies and the role of adaptation , a very different group of biologists were striking out in the opposite direction .
22 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
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