Example sentences of "[is] borne out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The third round is generally regarded as a consolidation round , and this is borne out in the figures with an average of 68.3 before the final charge to victory .
2 CAC sees itself as part of the community of East Manchester and this is borne out by the fact that the company is now employing the third generation of workers from local families .
3 That this is so is borne out by the fact that seaside towns with golf links handy have gone ahead by leaps and bounds . ’
4 The argument that these spontaneous housing settlements are a superior form of accommodation to the city slums is borne out by the consolidation that takes place in low-income settlements .
5 The fact that the consultative process described serves to enhance , rather than hinder , the task of school management is borne out by the school 's successful introduction over the last few years of development planning .
6 The logic of TGAT , however , and its ten levels of attainment , suggests that alternative strategies are open to us if we care to use them ; and this is borne out by the small print of Circular 5/89 , which stresses that the keystages themselves are to be understood with reference to the pupils ' average ages , so that a pupil may ‘ be taught with another age group for one or more subject areas where appropriate … while remaining with his or her peer group for other subjects . ’
7 This is borne out by the third type of managerialist study — that of the role of external ‘ pressure groups ’ in local politics .
8 Robert Burns called John Tennant , ‘ a worthy , intelligent farmer , my father 's friend and my own ’ and his regard is borne out by the fact that when he was offered tenancy of Ellisland Farm , Dumfries , it was to John Tennant he turned for advice ; they travelled together to the farm and after an inspection , the older man recommended it to his young friend .
9 Much of the significance of ancient sites comes from their use for ritual purposes , and this is borne out by the survivals of ancient traditions .
10 And this is borne out by the fact that although the outward forms of creatures can be bred into a most amazing degree of variety , as we find in the domestic dog , the inner instincts remain very much the same .
11 The slow progress of the campaign to put women into top executive positions is borne out by the results of an Economist survey carried out while compiling the 1993 Crawford 's Directory of City Connections .
12 The lack of women at the top is borne out by the findings of the latest Arthur Andersen Corporate Register , published by Hemmington Scott .
13 The income tax treatment is borne out by the decision in Brown v Bullock , 40 TC 1 , concerning a bank 's subscription to a London club on behalf of its West End manager .
14 This explanation is borne out by the remark of one middle-class housewife : ‘ I do n't go about feeling discontented ’ , the implication being that she thinks she might be expected to do so .
15 But the general truth of the picture is borne out by the local studies that have been done .
16 The distinction is borne out by the Report 's own reference to the disclosure of information , and prior consultation on redundancy .
17 This view of the meaning of Exodus 6:2–3 is borne out by the evidence of Genesis .
18 That I did in fact think this way , and that her assumptions about my assumptions were in fact correct , is borne out by the fact that I interpreted her words quickly , and that she seemed perfectly satisfied with my interpretation .
19 This is borne out by the court 's judgment in Lopes da Veiga v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie ( Case 9/88 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 2989 , from which it appears that in order for a national of a member state who is permanently employed on board a ship flying the flag of another member state to have the status of a worker/national of a member state who is employed in the territory of another member state , the relationship of employment must exhibit a sufficiently close link with that territory .
20 This observation is borne out by the Commission s statistical Parish Survey in which it appears that only 43% of Anglican churches have one or more Evensongs with a choir each month ( see Appendix 2.5 ) .
21 Now that one blow is borne out by the examination I made of Aldhelm 's head .
22 Though the operation of the principles embodied in these generalizations is borne out by the vast majority of the careers of scholars listed in the biographical dictionaries who came to maturity after the beginning of the sixteenth century , both generalizations require some degree of qualification .
23 Our strong commitment to the quality of the teaching and learning experience offered to students is borne out by the increasing percentage of first class and upper second class degrees awarded .
24 This is borne out by the 1991 figures which tell us that out of eight fatalities , half involved the tractor .
25 However that may be , the prediction that non-ascriptive adjectives will be ungrammatical here is borne out by the evidence of associatives and others ( this is the more revealing , since it might sometimes be possible to understand the meaning which would be intended by the construction where they could be supposed to occur ) : ( 62 ) Fanshawe reported O'Neill 's collar clerical Jones could not imagine his wife former
26 FMEs prepared to advise defence lawyers seem to be in growing demand , and that is borne out by the experience within our group , whose members go out of their way to stress that we work as independent consultants .
27 So it is clear that the two kinds of productivity — children and intellectual achievements — can be combined , as is borne out by the subsequent careers of the forty two students who matriculated in 1966 and who answered the questionnaire .
28 There is no English authority on the meaning of this expression ; however , most commentators agree that it is likely to be given a wide interpretation by the courts , and this is borne out by the Scottish case of McCrone v Boots Farm Supplies Ltd 1981 SLT 103 .
29 But to our disgust , and as Nigel mentioned , also that we have seen a demise of factory inspectors , and this is borne out by the fact that figures at the present time show that an average workplace can be expected to be visited once in eleven years .
30 The genetic influence is borne out by the characteristic temperaments of various breeds .
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