Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] far as possible " in BNC.

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1 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
2 The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
3 ‘ The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
4 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 , ’
5 The 1986 Manual also reported that ‘ The Treasury have directed that the format ( rather than the content ) of the annual accounts of all public sector bodies ( i.e. including Health Authorities ) should so far as possible follow that of the private sector ’ ( para 3 , Ch 1 ) .
6 What the ordinary man most wanted of the State was that it should so far as possible leave him alone .
7 ( c.26 ) " Since the kingdom consists of different regions , officers of the first , second , and indeed any rank should so far as possible be picked from different regions , so that [ men from ] the various regions should be able to come to the palace with a greater sense of knowing their way around ( familiarius ) since they would know that men who were from the same kin-group ( genealogia ) or the same region held a place there . "
8 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 " .
9 Accordingly , the draftsman should so far as possible ensure that the plan is accurate .
10 Craft or small-scale industries should as far as possible exploit local materials and have a high value added that can be retained by the producer .
11 Faced with these considerations the researcher may be lucky , for if a secondary source is being used the editor may well have provided an interpretation ( which should as far as possible be checked , for even the most eminent historians have been known to err ) .
12 I do n't mean to suggest that such things as scientific monitoring or the use of dowsing rods are inappropriate at ancient sites : rather that we should as far as possible leave our preconceptions behind as we approach and allow the site if it wishes , to speak to us .
13 The second basic historical principle is that of discrimination in the use of force : that the use of weapons should be directed at military targets and should as far as possible avoid damage to the civilian population and buildings such as churches , museums , historic monuments and hospitals , as well as neutral states and their nationals .
14 Mock interviews should as far as possible mirror the real thing .
15 Common sense dictates that task and setting should as far as possible be consistent .
16 The Court of Justice has held that when it is necessary to interpret a provision of secondary Community law , preference should as far as possible be given to the interpretation which renders the provision consistent with the Treaty .
17 In all situations the decision to call the police should as far as possible be taken after consultation with the appropriate manager .
18 It should as far as possible be related to the actual profit made by the tenant .
19 Four one three , the C E C agrees with the movements of motion four one three that European Works Councils should as far as possible be made up of elected trade union representatives , but the European directive needs to take account of different industrial relations traditions in different countries .
20 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 . ’
21 R.5(8) provides that a recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its shareholders comply with Rs.5 and 6 ( R.6 makes provision with respect to mental health ) .
22 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 .
23 ( 3 ) A recognised body shall not enter in its register of members any person until that person has submitted a Compensation Fund covenant to the Council and shall so far as possible ensure that all beneficial owners of any shares submit such a covenant to the Council .
24 In time of war , persons for the time being residing or doing business in an enemy country , whatever their nationality or domicile , are disabled from suing in the English Courts ; but , if sued here , they will so far as possible be given an opportunity of defending themselves .
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