Example sentences of "[vb pp] to mean [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in practice this has come to mean that the C. and A. G. examines , certifies and reports on the annual summarized accounts of the National Health Service taken as a whole , i.e. as the appropriation account presents them .
2 In the rent review context this has been said to mean that the court will tell surveyors what to value , but not how to value it : Compton Group Ltd v Estates Gazette Ltd ( 1977 ) 244 EG 799 .
3 A few days after Hitler 's repetition of his ‘ prophecy ’ on 30 January 1942 , the SD reported that his words had been ‘ interpreted to mean that the Führer 's battle against the Jews would be followed through to the end with merciless consistency , and that very soon the last Jew would disappear from European soil ’ .
4 In Hills v. Ellis , this was interpreted to mean that the act of the defendant must in some way be ‘ aimed at ’ the police , even if there need be no hostility towards them .
5 It has been interpreted to mean that the wine and beer producing countries should be allowed to institutionalise discrimination against spirits by having quite different tax regimes for competing alcoholic products .
6 SCFA can maintain normal fluxes in one direction of sodium and chloride in vitro even after a secretory stimulus , a finding that has been interpreted to mean that the pathway for electroneutral NaCl absorption stimulated by SCFA remains unaffected by cyclic AMP .
7 The no evidence doctrine was commonly taken to mean that a decision will not be regarded as outside of the jurisdiction of the decision-maker even if he reached his decision on no evidence .
8 The intention was to place a legal obstacle in the way of anyone seeking to imitate the Ordainers , but the Statute of York should not be taken to mean that the king and his supporters had a high view of the function of parliament .
9 This was taken to mean that the Government would tear up the whole treaty rather than accept the social chapter .
10 This can be taken to mean that the work has already been printed for a limited number of people by private gift or circulation , but has not been published in the sense that it has been offered to the general public .
11 Trying to put myself in his skin in that room at that time must not , of course , be taken to mean that the act contemplated and later committed by Miller is something that I myself could think of doing .
12 This is taken to mean that the EC must become ever more integrated .
13 Yet if isolationism is taken to mean that the USA tried to cut all ties with other nations — to withdraw into " fortress America " — then it is far from accurate .
14 The term " Unusual Attitudes " is taken to mean that the aircraft has adopted an attitude which could result in either a stall , spin or spiral dive .
15 Sufficiency of performance is taken to mean that an elder can function as an ordinary person without requiring extra support .
16 At work , smiling may be misinterpreted to mean that an employee is enjoying his job .
17 This is intended to mean that the object is attended to , and in some sense ‘ enjoyed ’ , for itself , ‘ for its own sake ’ , for the qualities it possesses in itself as apprehended , and which arouse our attention and interest ( p. 4 ) .
18 A middle course may be achieved by the phrase : " for the purpose of delineation only " , which has been held to mean that the plan must not be taken to be drawn to scale but the lines are correct diagrammatically ( Re Freeman and Taylor 's Contract ( 1907 ) 97 LT 39 ) .
19 And , to the cynically analytical mind which Charles usually applied to praise , the review could be read to mean that the part grew in stature until the powerfully climactic scene of confrontation with his daughter , at which point , in the hands of this actor , it diminished considerably .
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