Example sentences of "[vb pp] to demonstrate that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
2 I have sought to demonstrate that the claim of the hon. and learned Member for Fife , North-East ( Mr. Campbell ) is fatuous , because we are spending much more money on sport than in the past .
3 And it 's the evidence that a you 've got to produce to say that I 've got to demonstrate that the training that we do has objectives , so that they can go back and say to Cynthia , you went on that course in whatever , what were the objectives for it ?
4 RNA in situ hybridization was used to demonstrate that the CFTR expression plasmid can be delivered to airway epithelial cells by liposome-mediated transfection in vivo .
5 In its two years of existence , Charterail has tried to demonstrate that the railways could be used not only for bulk freight such as coal , aggregates and steel , but were also flexible enough to shift fast-selling consumer goods efficiently .
6 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
7 For example , health authorities are required to demonstrate that the care of patients and the services they receive have been considered in any project appraisal .
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