Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the royal society " in BNC.

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1 Some of these questions are now being addressed in the Royal Society of Arts ' Tomorrow 's Company inquiry into company purpose in a changing world , which was launched at the end of January .
2 This testimonial was given by Edmund Halley [ q.v. ] in a letter written ‘ By the command of the Royal Society ’ in 1693 : ‘ I have , by Order of the Royal Society seen and examined the method used by Mr John Marshall , for grinding glasses , and find that he performs the said work with greater ease and certainty , than hitherto has been practised , by means of an invention , which I take to be his own , and new , and whereby he is enabled to make a great number of Optick-Glasses , at one time , and all exactly alike , which having been reported to the Royal Society , they were pleased to approve thereof , as an Invention of Great Use , and Highly to deserve Incouragement . ’
3 On 11th and 12th October , 1977 , a Symposium on the Natural Environment of the Outer Hebrides , organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Nature Conservancy Council , was held in the Society 's rooms in Edinburgh .
4 The selection was organised by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation wildlife trusts partnership together with BT and the Department of the Environment .
5 She told a conference organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh that such a conclusion would not win universal acclaim and would be seen by some as lowering the moral tone of the country .
6 Last Session a team of four pupils from Heriot 's represented Edinburgh and South East of Scotland at the national final held in London of the ‘ Top of the Bench ’ quiz organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry .
7 A three-mile stretch of the 400-foot high Bempton Cliffs at Flamborough Head is owned by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , bought with money raised by children of the Puffin Club ( Penguin Books ) .
8 With our proposals to reform A-levels in the way recommended by the Royal Society and others , the broader range of subjects that will be available will enable those who do not specialise in science to maintain an interest .
9 A lecture on nuclear physics prepared for the Royal Society would not be a suitable input for a Rotary Club Lunch .
10 In 1983 , Conran was presented with The Royal Society of Arts Bicentenary Medal , awarded to designers who have ‘ exerted an exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry ’ .
11 Scottish Nuclear has been presented with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents ( RoSPA ) silver award for Health and Safety .
12 An early correspondent of both Miller and Blair was Dr James Douglas ( 1615–1742 ) , whose paper on the cultivation of saffron , as presented to the Royal Society , was included by Miller in the Dictionary .
13 There was a celebrated individual who devoted a large part of his life to carefully recording everything that he observed ; upon his death , this complete set of observations was presented to the Royal Society in the hope that it would be of use to scientists .
14 Indeed , many share the running of Drama Board ( transferred to the Royal Society of Arts from 1981 ) courses .
15 The reserve is part owned and part leased by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , ably managed by RSPB resident warden , Jimmy Dunbar .
16 As with all claims made by competing groups for the objective nature of their own discourse , those made by the Royal Society are tainted by the contingencies of the world in which they were made .
17 Far from doing this , Hildyard and Olson simply reproduce those very conventions in their own work making the same claims for objectivity as those made by the Royal Society .
18 Since Handa Island was adopted by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in 1962 , it has become a mecca for British ornithologists and enthusiastic amateur birdwatchers .
19 He sent examples of the air thermometer to friends at home and abroad , and soon after his death it was adopted by the Royal Society and Kew Observatory .
20 The task was expensive : in the early nineteenth century , plates engraved for the Royal Society 's Philosophical Transactions cost up to twenty guineas .
21 For a yearly payment of £5 he conveyed that piece of his estate to the Apothecaries Company , with one particular proviso : that every year fifty dried specimens grown there in the same year be supplied to the Royal Society of London .
22 We know that Lethieullier was also interested in anatomy , for in 1734 he had offered to the Royal Society three infants preserved in spirit , ‘ … of which one Elizabeth Baggs , a hard labouring woman in Oxford , was delivered at one birth in 1714 ’ and who lived for but a few hours afterwards .
23 His first experiment , shown at the Royal Society in September 1662 , featured a puppy preserved in spirits of wine throughout the summer months .
24 In 1902 , with ( Sir ) John S. Flett [ q.v. ] of the Geological Survey , he was commissioned by the Royal Society to investigate the catastrophic eruptions on the islands of Martinique and St Vincent ( Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , 1903 and 1908 ) .
25 assumptions " false " A report commissioned by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation has accused the government of basing its transport policies on a range of false assumptions about journey times , traffic densities and the effect of new roads .
26 The planned building of a bypass road around East Grinstead will threaten the ecology of one of Britain 's most ancient forests , Ashdown Forest in Sussex , a research study commissioned by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation has claimed .
27 A paper was contributed to the Royal Society on the art of blasting but all evidence points to its introduction in this country at the Ecton Copper Mines in Stafiordshire in 1670 .
28 It seems that this change is based on advice received from the Royal Society of Chemistry , though it has not been applied in the latest issue of Chemistry in Britain , neither can I recollect having seen it mention any possibility of change .
29 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
30 The railway was proposed by the Royal Society of Nature Conservation ( RSNC ) in response to the £2.8 billion plans to widen the M25 .
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