Example sentences of "[coord] falls [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If one keeps traveling in a certain direction on the surface of the earth , one never comes up against an impassable barrier or falls over the edge , but eventually comes back to where one started .
2 Despite their manifest differences , all five views that I have just sketched out are united in that none of them hangs or falls on the notion of critical abilities .
3 ‘ It stands or falls on the quality of its detail , ’ says Winston .
4 Whitty and Jones 's analysis stands or falls on the meaning of health , whether health services have an impact on health , and on the central functions of public health medicine .
5 Product orientation — in this case the organization stands or falls by the quality of its products .
6 Margot Bishop travels to Holland and falls under the spell of the greatest floral festival on earth
7 If no such obligation existed then the indemnity is not transferring liability , and falls outside the Act ( See Thompson v T Lohan ( Plant Hire ) Ltd ( J W Hurdiss Ltd third party ) [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 631 . )
8 If the bond instrument is drafted so it is convertible into or redeemable in non-sterling currency , therefore , it is not a qualifying corporate bond and falls outside the regime which can bring the suspended gain on redemption of the bond into charge notwithstanding that the bond is valueless when redeemed .
9 Mr Sampson 's report is the second of a new style of intermediate force inspections and falls between the biennial major inspections .
10 He attacks the Doctor , but two Didonians enter , and in terror Bennett backs away and falls over the ledge .
11 This is a movable feast , the Thursday after Trinity Sunday ( itself the Sunday following Whitsunday ) , and falls at the end of May or in June .
12 Generally , the note circulation rises towards the end of the week ( as the general public withdraws cash for the weekend and the banks anticipate the demand ) and falls at the start of the week : thus on Mondays and Tuesdays the fluctuations in the note circulation generally raise money market liquidity and on Thursdays and Fridays generally reduce it .
13 Election fever rises and falls with the opinion polls but CAMRA is determined that issues affecting the pub and drinkers will be fully debated during the election , whenever it comes .
14 A customer slips and falls on the shop floor — the floor was still greasy after an assistant had broken a bottle of salad cream , although the breakage had been cleaned up .
15 So the water table is not at a constant level , but rises and falls during the year as the amount of water stored in the aquifer increases and decreases .
16 With the exception of tests in Group 4 , performance rises after waking and falls during the evening .
17 An object slides off the bed on her side and falls to the floor with a thump .
18 Seeds of such a size remain in its gizzard for a little time while the rind is stripped off them and then later , perhaps when the bird has returned to one of its habitual perches , the nutmeg is regurgitated and falls to the ground .
19 According to Mr Hurd , an EC ruling on the colour and curve of the cucumber presumably to avoid discord in Europe 's salad bowl is a fact and falls in the category of a Euro-lunacy .
20 16 and 17 , that an activity carried out on a permanent basis or , in any event , without a foreseeable limit to its duration , does not fall within the Commmunity provisions concerning the provision of services , but falls within the scope of articles 48 to 51 or articles 52 to 58 of the E.E.C .
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