Example sentences of "[adv] suited to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
2 The origins of this marital-rape exemption seem to lie in the notion that the wife is the husband 's property , or that the wife promises intercourse on demand , but it has been defended in modern times on the basis that such cases raise essentially family matters , better suited to examination in a non-criminal court , and that in any case proof would be difficult .
3 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
4 It also contended that he should have £80,000 to buy a house , in which his carers could live upstairs , rather than £150,000 for a bungalow more suited to life in a wheelchair .
5 The use of spears is possible yet arguably a hazardous occupation more suited to hunting as a sport .
6 In some of these respects ( such as improvisation , or blue tonality and pitch inflection ) it was more suited to transmission on recordings than in notation .
7 Finally , claims based on public law rights might well raise factual issues more suited to resolution in an action begun by writ than by Ord. 53 procedure ; conversely , claims based on private law rights may well raise no such issues — which is why originating summons procedure is available as an alternative to writ procedure for claims brought outside Ord. 53 .
8 The Herdwick is the hardiest of all breeds in the Lake District , and it is particularly suited to life in the fells .
9 Others were convinced that they 'd be well suited to life in combat uniform .
10 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
11 This terrain of rocky canyons and dusty valleys is well suited to defence against the Ethiopian army in a war of independence that has lasted 25 years .
12 She was admirably suited to membership of a caring profession .
13 Some wrasse are quite unsuitable to be accommodated within the invertebrate , or reef tank , but the genus Cirrhilabrus embraces a ‘ full house ’ of species seemingly eminently suited to life in the reef aquarium .
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