Example sentences of "[pers pn] pulled up outside the " in BNC.

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1 I pulled up outside the rest home she worked at and reached through the window to open the back door for her , the way real mushers do without getting out themselves .
2 Back in the village , she pulled up outside the paper shop , which turned out to double as a general store , and went in .
3 Fernando Serra , you are in serious trouble , she raged inwardly as once again she pulled up outside the reception unit .
4 She tried to put him out of her mind while she drove along and had almost succeeded when she pulled up outside the surgery and saw a car standing in the yard .
5 We pulled up outside the church .
6 They pulled up outside the house .
7 When he pulled up outside the Palace , Creed was already waiting by the entrance with McGowan , Trotter and Maxie Carlo ( still no sign of Vasco ) .
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