Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] excess of " in BNC.

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1 Point one ; er , for access the field element is pre-booked , it 's only necessary to book additional days or shifts verbally in excess of that already reserved .
2 More generally , the balance sheets of both UK banks and building societies appear reasonably healthy , both having capital ratios comfortably in excess of the Basle requirements .
3 A few thousand years ago , some violent explosive phenomenon occurred which hurled numerous bullets ( ‘ shrapnel ’ ) into the molecular cloud with velocities probably in excess of 400 km s -1 .
4 It is equally unfair to deny the petitioner a right of appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal which reversed Robertson J. on the compromise and cancellation issue and therefore finally dismissed the claim by the petitioner for sums vastly in excess of N.Z.$5,000 .
5 And our customers have said so , not with promises , but with orders substantially in excess of those in any previous period one might care to look at .
6 The manufacturers , flooded with a backlog of orders far in excess of their capacity , also felt that they would be able to do a better job if designs could be standardised , and had pressed the Government for action in 1947 .
7 Instead , as we go deeper and deeper the gaseous hydrogen gradually gets denser and denser until imperceptibly , and at pressures considerably in excess of those in Figure 9.9 , it acquires a density more characteristic of a liquid than that of a gas .
8 Although the curvature and track geometry precludes speeds much in excess of 100mph ( except by upgrading at unacceptable costs ) the power : weight ratio , acceleration and braking of the HSTs immediately demonstrated their worth and have made it possible to introduce some very useful cuts in journey times .
9 However , 15-Mton iron objects with speeds much in excess of the median value of 15kms -1 will airburst before impact .
10 With her sophisticated electronics and sleek grey hull capable of speeds far in excess of anything we had previously experienced in the Cutter Service , it was an exciting prospect for our crews when Alert was commissioned in 1977 .
11 By exploiting consumers ' loyalties to famous names with price hikes well in excess of inflation , firms such as Kellogg and Heinz increased profits by 15% a year .
12 Powered by two General Motors diesels , each 645 hp , they had reached speeds well in excess of twenty knots on trials , and being also good seaboats they seemed eminently suitable for our purposes .
13 Another ruse was to offer houses at low rent or for sale , or to offer signing-on fees far in excess of the £10 theoretically permitted by the FA .
14 " Shipowners and other firms connected with port work had repeatedly complained that the men in British ports were enforcing claims altogether in excess of what was paid for similar work in continental ports .
15 Both stations routinely appear at the top of the performance league , with load factors well in excess of 80 per cent .
16 Although the engines are more complicated and finely engineered than petrol counterparts , they are also longer-lived , and mileages considerably in excess of 100,000 should be possible .
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