Example sentences of "[art] ability to use the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A rates reduction for a certain period is inadequate to compensate for the great disruption that was caused to people seeking to make a living in that area — people who do not have the wherewithal or the ability to use the court system against the Minister .
2 The honeybee shares the ability to use the sun as a compass with a wide range of animals , including ants , sandhoppers , many fish and birds .
3 Kuypers then started a long series of collaborative studies in which injuries to some of these connections in the monkey 's brain were correlated with the defects they produced in performance of movements ; the poising of an arm , for instance , to carry out an operation with the fingers could be dissociated from the ability to use the fingers skilfully .
4 Many people in a management position maybe using P Cs on their desk , I mean those move more and more into the organization as people work with spreadsheet people work with electronic mail and so on and so forth , and the ability to use the P C as their terminal , their window into the accounting application , but secondly they have these tools such as spreadsheets which again are able to directly access the database and the accounting data maintained within it .
5 Obviously , if all security interests were possessory it would make secured borrowing virtually impossible as a debtor would be deprived of the ability to use the assets subject to the security in the course of business ( but English law has for long recognised non-possessory security interests ) .
6 It was the absence of the ability to use the book debts in the normal course of business that deprived the charge of the character of being floating .
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