Example sentences of "[art] [det] months ago [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't but a few months ago that I was telling them how bad everything was , how we had to keep our spending down to new lower budgets because if we did n't the next cuts we would have to make would be human ones .
2 ‘ Were n't you saying something a few months ago that too quiet a life was bad for a writer 's creativity ?
3 The way it is at present , we can not , we can not get more loot to put into the new project but the bank manager , i.e. the Chancellor of the Exchequer , reminded us a few months ago that the other way of funding our projects he encouraged us to look at our current assets and if possible liquidate some of that asset and fund it , or or use it to fund our new schemes and this Mr Mayor is what we should be doing .
4 Some others were fitted a few months ago but they have n't been wired up to the Economy meter and we dare n't use them because we would n't be able to afford the bills . ’
5 The company has refused to explain why its auditors started becoming suspicious only a few months ago and why the dealership was lent $425m as recently as December .
6 It was a great pleasure meeting you a few months ago and I should like to feel our paths might cross again some time .
7 I 'll never forget when he came home one night a few months ago and said he 'd met this old man who could tell fortunes by reading the dregs in the bottom of a beer glass .
8 He had a very bad car accident a few months ago and shattered his kneecap .
9 I bought it a few months ago and I was assured they were waterproof . ’
10 I know that he has first-hand experience of the benefits of GM schools , as the school that used to be known as Wold Newton transferred to grant-maintained status a few months ago and is showing the way and what can be achieved as a result of a move to grant-maintained status .
11 When we get to the jobs erm side of it the jobs I I I 'm accused outside this afternoon of of putting in jeopardy one thousand something jobs erm , this authority got rid of seven hundred jobs , education jobs er only a few months ago and there 's many more , something on the region of two thousand jobs will be lost in this authority without a protest .
12 Does n't bother me You , Stu and I have been broken hearted a few months ago and I 've cried over him not coming to see me but not any more .
13 Finally we give in and rent the movie we ignored a few months ago when we went to see Midnight Run .
14 We saw that only a few months ago when the right hon. Gentleman vetoed the appointment of a Labour city councillor in favour of the appointment of his Tory placeman .
15 Mind you , I was in a pub in Manchester a few months ago when Eric Le Prat walked in , but that 's a different story …
16 Mind you , I was in a pub in Manchester a few months ago when Eric Le Prat walked in , but that 's a different story …
17 I came to England 3 and a half months ago and this is my happiest day since then .
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