Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which [vb mod] enable " in BNC.

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1 A bill is at this moment passing through Parliament which will enable the Milk Marketing Board to change from a statutory monopoly into a milk-buying co-operative , similar to those that already exist on the Continent , to be called Milk Marque .
2 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
3 I think there 's no doubt at all that erm from a Conservative point of view I actually believe that schools , under their heads , know best , and I am quite happy to trust schools with a budget of money which will enable them to buy in the specific needs that their school requires .
4 His search for a style of living which would enable him to cultivate his contemplative gifts led him to equate , perhaps sometimes confuse , an interior state with the external mode of achieving it .
5 Second , there was the need to construct a professional scholarly stance upon which to build modes of training consistent with the kinds of sensibility which would enable critical evaluation , not only of literature , but of fellow professionals .
6 The group relief position between the various members of the vendor group , including Target , needs to be considered by both Newco and the vendor , because it will have a bearing on : ( a ) what the parties to the buy-out agree should be paid by Target for group relief to be surrendered to it by other members of the vendor group or , conversely , what payment Target should receive for losses and other group relief items which are available for surrender from Target to other members of the vendor group ; ( b ) whether adjustments need to be made to inter-company loan accounts ; for example if it has been assumed that in the accounting period of Target in which the buy-out occurs it will achieve a certain level of profitability which will enable it to claim group relief from other group companies and that those other companies will accordingly be able to write off £x of inter-company debt due to Target , the fact that Target leaves the vendor group , say , half-way through that accounting period , will prima facie reduce the amount of group relief it can claim to half of £x ; furthermore Newco may not be willing to pay as much as half of £x out of Target unless this represents a discount on the amount of corporation tax Target would otherwise have to pay on such profits ; additionally , the notional disposals which Target makes under s179 TCGA when it leaves the group may either increase its profits ( if a gain arises ) or decrease them ( if a loss arises ) ; ( c ) what the parties agree in terms of indemnity cover for Newco for tax charges crystallising in Target ; for example , the vendor goup may agree to surrender sufficient group relief to Target free of charge to preclude any charge to corporation tax arising from the operation of s179 when Target leaves the group .
7 The task of the language teacher is a difficult one : to facilitate a degree of socialization which will enable learners to send and receive text as discourse , while also guarding their right to be different and to enrich others through that difference , bringing to the language they are learning the wealth of their own individuality and culture .
8 That outcome of the long process of evolution which will enable them to govern the uses of their own physical mechanisms .
9 There was no step up to higher things , but a system complete in itself under which poor children were to receive just that modicum of education which would enable them to become useful and content in their inevitable station as hewers of wood and drawers of water .
10 The project aims to provide and analysis of children 's understanding of television which will enable broadcasters and educationalists to respond constructively to public concern about the ‘ effects ’ of the medium .
11 Not only are such predicates eliminable , it might be argued , but conceivably it might be possible to devise a method of paraphrase which would enable us to dispense with quantifiers as well ; and if the latter can be achieved , then the myth of the " logical independence " of existential propositions will have been exploded once and for all .
12 He seeks to provide a substantive characterization of the concept of reality which will enable him to do two things : first , to show how certain rules and procedures are logically correct , how employment of them will suffice to guide us towards knowledge of reality ; secondly , to show how it can be rational for a self-controlled agent to seek to contribute to knowledge of reality .
13 Serfs had to receive not only personal freedom and title to their dwelling-places and kitchen gardens , but also allocations of land which would enable them to survive and prosper .
14 ‘ The donations of clothing will be turned into money which will enable Age Concern Cleveland to carry on its work with elderly people , ’ said chief officer Dave Punshon .
15 Unsuccessful attempts were made in April to broaden Poland 's governing coalition , and to give it a stronger majority in parliament which would enable it to push through its budget proposals and economic reforms .
16 Mr Rees says : ‘ Apart from the Americans and Doug Gardiner , we will also have top British coaches in attendance which will enable us to cater for beginners , intermediates and experienced players . ’
17 Although the outlook may seem bleak , a constructive approach towards consultation might result in hitherto unconsidered options coming to light which could enable your job to be saved at the eleventh hour .
18 I mean we may not necessarily be talking about the the the reporting procedures on turnover which would enable us to assess a rack rent in in in the
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