Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] resulting [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ 1(1) If a child is born disabled as the result of such an occurrence before its birth as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below , and a person ( other than the child 's own mother ) is under this section answerable to the child in respect of the occurrence , the child 's disabilities are to be regarded as damage resulting from the wrongful act of that person and actionable accordingly at the suit of the child .
2 This more than made up for the Tramway Department 's loss of revenue resulting from the suspension of the service !
3 In this company , although management had an enlightened attitude to issues of work organisation , the pattern of work resulting from the introduction of new technology was particularly de-skilling .
4 The enthalpy change of vaporisation resulting from the condensation of the vapour causes the solvent to boil .
5 We might have to deny medical treatment to sufferers from AIDS and venereal diseases , alcoholics , those injured in sport or road accidents , on the grounds that more animals would be needed to test the new drugs and further the medical procedures necessary to treat the deluge of suffering resulting from the prohibition of testing with animals .
6 And he was fain to acknowledge the tenant 's insistence that the bargain was sacrosanct : ‘ I can not much saie against that ; but yet I perceaue I shalbe a losser still by this bargaine , thowghe I can not tell the reason why ’ More prosaically , landownership was hedged about by varying degrees of limitation resulting from the security of customary tenures , accompanied as often as not by inelasticity of rents .
7 An increased absorption of PEGs in active ulcerative colitis could be explained by the presence of inflammation resulting in the loss of mucosal integrity .
8 The port at Grangemouth was opened in 1777 to take advantage of trade resulting from the construction of the Forth and Clyde Canal .
9 9.10 Where an award is made by the Board , any period of absence resulting from the injury suffered will not be treated as sickness allowance and will not count against the employee 's entitlement to sickness allowance ; instead , any absence will be treated as special leave with pay .
10 Since then , the College has enjoyed continuous royal patronage , the title of the office having been changed from ‘ president ’ to ‘ patron ’ in 1956 , following the different system of government resulting from the College 's new Charter .
11 Forsythe considered the effects on way of life resulting from the closure of primary schools .
12 One is the way in which selective migration tends to lead to cumulative effects on the origin and destination areas , respectively the vicious circle of decline for those places being denuded of their younger and better qualified people and the virtuous circle of growth resulting from the acquisition of young couples and the upgrading of the labour force .
13 Parents were told last night that their children should not come to school due to the appalling standard of cleanliness resulting from the employment of contract cleaners .
14 The sufferer may have significant mood swings , tending always towards depression resulting from the damaged sense of hope and other damaged senses .
15 With Winifred as Chair , and Diane as Vice Chair , the working party has received evidence from over fifty people , as well as conducting its own survey of trustees and management committees , with a tighter framework of regulation resulting from the charity bill , it will be more important than ever , that trustees are aware of their very considerable responsibilities , and well equipped to take them on .
16 Rather it is the quality of representation resulting from the overall balance of interests .
17 The one-bit device developed by the Cambridge scientists utilises the so-called Coulomb Blockade Effect where , if an isolated area of conductor is made suitably small , the change of energy resulting from the gain or loss of an electron prevents further electrons from entering , and existing ones from leaving .
18 Firstly , it was the result of a reduced number of pigs coming forward from a smaller sow herd and secondly , there was a drop in demand for beef resulting from the media coverage of the BSE scare .
19 Part of the cost of the new block will be paid for from income resulting from the College 's growing reputation as a conference centre during vacations .
20 The government , which controls around 85 per cent of the country , has turned to logging as a way of making up the shortfall in revenue resulting from the end of Soviet aid , and its loss of the Palinn gem mines in western Cambodia to Khmer Rouge forces .
21 Of greater concern was the decline in quality resulting from the increased inputs of pollutants by sewage works and industrial plants .
22 The 1914 analogy remains potent in a nuclear age , where many observers worry about a drift to war resulting from the increasing automation of the battlefield and of command and control systems .
23 Problems mat arise in connection with the legal liability of care givers in the event of an accident or damage to property resulting from the sufferer 's activities .
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