Example sentences of "[noun sg] dating [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 RIGHT Part of an ivory plaque dating to the 8th–9th centuries BC found at Nimrud in Iraq .
2 Now twenty-four important windows dated 1655–57 from the parish church in De Rijp , an affluent village of whalers and ship builders near the north Holland coast dating from the seventeenth century , are suffering from the effects of humidity and air pollution .
3 Arnside Tower , a prominent hillside landmark dating from the 14th Century
4 A fine nude female figure dating from the early years of the artist 's career ( lot 310 , est. £60,000–80,000 ) was purchased for £115,000 by a bidder seated in the room against competition from New York dealer , David Nehmad , who captured Dubuffet 's ‘ Promenade Agreste ’ ( lot 314 , est. £65,000–85,000 ) for £128,000 against several telephone bidders .
5 North-west of the village at Derwentcote are the remains of a cementation furnace dating from the early eighteenth century , a rare survival .
6 The Central Library holds copies of the Evening News and Scotsman dating from the 19th Century .
7 Easily Accessible : The nearby village of Goathland ( an ancient settlement dating from the 12th century ) contains several waterfalls , countless footpaths , and is only a stone 's throw from the open moors .
8 The timber-framed building dating from the late 16th century was demolished in the 19th century .
9 Here is a very early crypt dating from the seventh century and a five aisled nave with varied finely carved capitals ( 420 ) .
10 This went further by challenging the immunity that the unions had enjoyed from any financial damages incurred during strikes , a privilege dating from the Liberal government 's Trade Disputes Act of 1906 .
11 At the eastern end of the Ludwigstrasse the street opened out into a small square below the towering walls of the Herzogschloss , a massive fortification dating from the fifteenth century and set back only a few yards from the Danube .
12 If so , you will sympathise with my own feelings when I unearthed my first coin dating from the English Civil War : a Charles I shilling , probably minted in Oxford in 1642 .
13 The movement could never be separated from political questions whatever its leaders wanted , for the question of non-conforming raised the question of establishment , itself a political question dating to the anti-church rate campaigns of the 1830s and the creation of the British Anti-State Church Society by Edward Miall in 1844 .
14 According to an apocryphal work dating from the third century , Thomas 's mission takes him even further .
15 Lifelike representations of Dicerorhinus in the form of bronze wine containers ( zun ) are known from the late Shang but also from as late as the Late Zou-Western Han period dating from the third century B.C. It was the transformation of the environment resulting from the spread of intensive agriculture that caused the rhinoceros , like the elephant , to retreat to the southernmost provinces of China and ultimately to abandon them completely .
16 Notorious articles ( 141 , 142 and 163 ) of the penal code dating from the 1930s which effectively outlawed communist or fundamentalist opinion were abolished by the new legislation .
17 Turquoise was also present among the grave goods of Fu Hao , consort of a Shang king , in a tomb dating from the first half of the twelfth century B.C. One of several nephrite halberd blades was hafted in a bronze mount studded with turquoise inlay .
18 At Vergina in 1977 the Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos , excavating the royal Macedonian graves of the fourth century BC at Vergina , found a bronze tripod dating from the mid-fifth century .
19 Item No 4 : the large loop would normally be attached to a belt as this is a purse frame dating to the 15th to 16th century .
20 Well , my feeling is , and it 's really the same message that you get from most greens and most environment books , is that under-consumption , that is poverty in the poor countries , is linked to over-consumption in the rich countries , and we have to grasp this nettle — it 's one that the Conservative Party in its White Paper on the environment avoids noticeably — we have to grasp the nettle , that as long as we are over-consuming there 's not going to be enough to go round everywhere , and my book shows that this pattern is really a three hundred year old pattern dating from the first Colonial expansion of Europe and the slave trade , and it 's still going on today .
21 A vintage horse-drawn tram from Sheffield , complete with horse , is shown in a dramatic Victorian Street setting of 1885 , together with a steam tram dating from the same year , and a steam tram trailer — representing the next stage in the development of this form of transport .
22 I once heard a recording dating from the American election of 1948 .
23 There are many pictures and engravings of the church dating from the 18th century .
24 In music dating from the 11th century to the present day , each major festival in the church 's calendar was celebrated by the singers and instrumentalists of Musica Sacra , directed by Ann Pinhey .
25 Beginning at the turn of the century , agreements between Iran and France created a French monopoly on excavations at Susiana , an intercultural trading centre dating from the first millennium to the late fourth century .
26 Gnoll Park — A designated Historical Landscape Garden dating from the 17th Century with a reservoir , cascades , lakes and playgrounds , together with many other landscape features .
27 They descended from hereditary riding-bailiffs of the abbots of Ramsey by a serjeanty dating from the twelfth century .
28 Cross the road and take the obvious lane on the other side which leads to a farm and the prominent Arnside Tower dating from the 14th century on the hillside above .
29 A Hambledon CC account book dating from the late 1700s has been accepted by the government as payment in lieu of inheritance tax .
30 It is similarly unconvincing for UKOOA to say that it is not within its remit to consider trade union or labour relations when the Select Committee was presented with a previous UKOOA agreement and understanding dating from the 1970s , which dealt with exactly these points .
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