Example sentences of "[noun sg] refer [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you roll a misfire refer to the Misfire Chart .
2 Benefits in kind refer to the State provision of education , health care , travel subsidy , housing subsidy and other allocated benefits .
3 All references to " the Encylopaedia " and " the precedent " in the text refer to the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents .
4 Numbers on top of the alignment refer to the position in the multiple alignment , while numbers at the beginning and end of the sequences refer to the position in the protein sequence .
5 I was delighted to hear the right hon. and learned Gentleman refer to the work of his own police force in setting up a unit to receive that kind of report from women .
6 For detailed information on PCF and its use refer to the manual entitled IBM Virtual Machine Interactive Productivity Facility Problem Control ( SC24 — 5229 ) .
7 The eighty notebooks in the Berg Collection refer to a process of discovery , loss , and rediscovery throughout his writing life .
8 The Latin origins of the word refer to a course in the sense of race-course , but its current meaning in education has moved some way from that .
9 Numbers to the right of each row refer to the nucleotide position , numbers to the left refer to amino acids .
10 Economies of scale refer to the way average costs of provision can fall as the scale of output increases .
11 Centralisation and decentralisation refer to the degree to which authority is delegated in an organisation .
12 Centralisation and decentralisation refer to the degree to which authority is delegated in an organisation — and therefore the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
13 Will not the Prime Minister refer to the report and listen to the voices of business and commerce from all over the country when they say : ’ A worsening position on employment expectations , ’ — higher job losses — ’ and a major down-grading of business confidence , however , give no cause for comfort in this survey ’ ?
14 Heel , midfoot and forefoot refer to the area of the foot you strike the ground with .
15 European means of representation refer to the experience of taking possession .
16 Other terms to look out for on the label refer to the dryness or sweetness of sparkling wine : ‘ Brut ’ ( very dry ) , ‘ Extra Dry ’ , ‘ Sec ’ or ‘ Dry ’ , Demi-Sec ’ or ‘ Medium Dry ’ and ‘ Doux ’ or ‘ Sweet ’ .
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