Example sentences of "[noun sg] resulting from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He believed ‘ a moderate degree of elevation relieves all objects on an horizontal plane from that huddled confusion resulting from a lowly point of view ’ .
2 It has not rituals whatever to deal with distress and grief resulting from a difficult birth or a pregnancy that ends in death .
3 For instance , a visual field loss resulting from a damaged retina will not be helped by wearing spectacles , and they will not be prescribed .
4 ‘ The central issue raised on this aspect of the appeal is whether there is any evidence upon which the judge could find that the plaintiffs behaved in a manner in relation to the conduct of the son as to make them liable to suffer financial loss resulting from the equitable relief sought by the defendants .
5 The compensatory award is intended to reimburse you for financial loss resulting from the unfair dismissal .
6 A presidential decree on Dec. 28 , 1989 , cancelled an article in the higher education law resulting from a Constitutional Court ruling of March 1989 which overturned a law permitting the wearing of Islamic head-scarves at universities [ see p. 36528 ] .
7 In specific cases exact solutions of the stress distribution resulting from a given distribution of surface traction can be found .
8 It can also include an accident resulting from a deliberate act ( Chief Constable of West Midlands Police v Billingham [ 1979 ] Crim LR 256 ) .
9 The possibility that the human race might have been an unplanned accident resulting from an adaptive modification was simply not acceptable .
10 More specifically , the accident resulting from the first incident had only taken place because of a concatenation of events leading to it which could not have been foreseen .
11 At best , GDP growth in the Community resulting from the internal market programme is estimated to be of the order of 6 per cent .
12 This relief , it may be added , was matched for a while by the exemption of some forty villages in the West Riding in 1319 , and of 128 villages in the North Riding in 1322 , from lay taxes because of the scale of their poverty resulting from the Scottish raids .
13 A group-wide waste definition has been agreed and for C&P this includes unavoidable waste resulting from a chemical reaction — unless a market is found for it .
14 * Russian scientists have reported large numbers of seals dying of blood cancer in the White and Barents Seas , allegedly as a result of radioactive waste resulting from the nuclear tests previously carried out on the Novaya Zemlya peninsula [ see Nuclear Power section ] .
15 The 1914 analogy remains potent in a nuclear age , where many observers worry about a drift to war resulting from the increasing automation of the battlefield and of command and control systems .
16 Typically , as in southern Italy , high birth rates and inflexible landholding systems can lead to persistent land-hunger and social unrest-which demand the attention of the central elites , but if pluralist arguments are accepted , the unrest resulting from the inadequate diffusion of liberal authority is not a problem that can be solved in the short term .
17 On 6 March he was transferred to the prison infirmary suffering from skin problems and a dramatic fall in his blood sugar level resulting from the earlier hunger-strike .
18 which can be thought of as a temporary , unexpected rise or fall in income ( for example , an unexpected increase in income resulting from a win at the races , or a temporary fall in income resulting from a short period of unemployment ) .
19 Of all British cities Glasgow has the largest number of council flats in high blocks : 33,600 in blocks of five or more storeys ( almost twice the total of its nearest challenger , Birmingham ) , the majority resulting from a compressed ‘ burst ’ of construction in the 1960s .
20 This is compounded by the relatively high level of psychiatric morbidity in areas such as Southwark and by a 11% reduction in NHS funding resulting from a new weighted capitation system , which is diverting money from inner south London to Kent and Sussex .
21 Perhaps it was a tiredness resulting from the previous 14 pitches , but I could see no way of free climbing it at less than E5 , and I was n't good enough for that , not now .
22 There would be direct investment both inward and outward as different multinationals arrange their operations on a global basis instead of direct investment only in one direction resulting from the overall balance of the economy .
23 A report released on Aug. 2 by a UN team assigned to assess damage resulting from the 1980-88 war with Iraq [ see p. 38309 ] found that " the damage inflicted on the country 's infrastructure was of a magnitude and nature that will require several years of repair or reconstruction " .
24 A team headed by the UN Secretary-General 's special envoy , Abdulrahim Farah , arrived in Tehran on May 31 to assess damage resulting from the eight-year war with Iraq .
25 ‘ 1(1) If a child is born disabled as the result of such an occurrence before its birth as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below , and a person ( other than the child 's own mother ) is under this section answerable to the child in respect of the occurrence , the child 's disabilities are to be regarded as damage resulting from the wrongful act of that person and actionable accordingly at the suit of the child .
26 The Thai government has moved to control pollution resulting from the burgeoning number of shrimp farms .
27 Pollution resulting from the growing number of cars will be partly offset by the replacement of highly polluting leaded petrol and two-stroke engines and improvements in engine maintenance .
28 Alkali promotion of carbon monoxide reactivity , for example , forms part of the industrially important synthesis of hydrocarbons , and is thought to follow from a weakening of the internal C-O bond resulting from an enhanced binding interaction between the CO molecule and the catalyst .
29 The defence challenged admissibility of the evidence resulting from the undercover operation on the grounds that it should be excluded either at common law or under section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 or as being contrary to paragraph 10.1 of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed . ) .
30 After the jury was sworn , there began immediately a seven-day voire dire in which the defence challenged the admissibility of all the evidence resulting from the undercover operation .
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