Example sentences of "[noun sg] would depend [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The British nuclear industry 's best hope of capturing any slice of the export action would depend on the UK getting experience in building several PWR 's .
2 The United States had earlier stated that US aid would depend on the elimination of anti-Semitism from the Romanian media .
3 However , the extent of the IDB 's investment would depend on the size of the company 's own investment , since the board simply ‘ tops up ’ the amount which a client firm invests .
4 A great deal would depend on the reforming zeal and liberal spirit of the man who became Home Secretary .
5 Moreover , even the types of particles that exist in the universe would depend on the temperature .
6 The weight of a kibble of ore would depend upon the size and richness of its contents but might be expected to be around 175 lb. , whilst a quintal was one cwt .
7 Success in war would depend on the ability of the generals , the courage of the troops , the nature of the battlefield , the numbers of the enemy and many other transient factors .
8 In this case , the aggregate behaviour would depend on the distribution of wealth .
9 In the case of Aykroyd v IRC 24 TC 515 , Macnaghton J , at p523 , stated that any contrary argument would depend on the substitution of the word " chargeable " for the word " charged " .
10 The interpretation put forward here is not fundamentally different from that offered by Jaynes when he suggested that a tendency to emit ( a fractional version of ) the response acquired in the first stage would serve as a mediating process in the second , and that the salience of the mediator would depend on the magnitude of the initial response of which it was a fraction .
11 Without deciding the point , the court indicated that whether intensification of use amounted to a material change in use would depend upon the particular circumstances of the case .
12 Daniel Hung , product marketing manager for data communications products would not directly deny that the company is pressing ahead , but said that the exact implementation strategy would depend on the progress the proposal makes through the IEEE .
13 In any event , the value of such a provision would depend upon the availability of distributable reserves following the breach .
14 US military analysts noted that although the Soviet Union still maintained a considerable military presence at Cam Ranh Bay , with up to 20 warships and support vessels based there , the ultimate significance of its proposed reduction would depend on the results of forthcoming negotiations over US bases in the Philippines [ see p. 36428 ] .
15 The apparent discrepancy was explained by the fact that a number of wives said their response would depend on the form of the emergency .
16 The rationale of this Cartesian-Kantian dualism would depend on the following stages of observation :
17 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
18 Thus for a bond issued on 1 January , 1990 , the base for indexing would be given by the level of the RPI in April , 1989 ; the uplift for capital value in January of each subsequent year would depend on the change in the RPI to April of the preceding year and all sums paid in interest would depend on the level of the RPI eight months before the payment date .
19 But he would also have concluded that its ability to survive into the next century would depend upon the character and common sense of Prince Charles .
20 Thus , at present , the nominated person would lack any legal authority ; and whether he would be listened to in matters relating to the treatment of the patient would depend on the good sense and good faith of the doctor .
21 If the prices of traded goods were equal everywhere , then wages in each country would depend on the productivity of its traded-goods industries .
22 By the time the Warriors had reached the objective , the riflemen in the back had been sufficiently aware of what was going on around them to know that their own survival would depend on the spirit of fight they could produce .
23 But the rightness of that observation would depend on the inadequacy of the ‘ other protection , ’ because it is clear that there is no absolute privilege against answering incriminating questions : the privilege is against exposing oneself to the reasonable risk of prosecution .
24 Thus for a bond issued on 1 January , 1990 , the base for indexing would be given by the level of the RPI in April , 1989 ; the uplift for capital value in January of each subsequent year would depend on the change in the RPI to April of the preceding year and all sums paid in interest would depend on the level of the RPI eight months before the payment date .
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