Example sentences of "[noun sg] from [noun sg] to finish " in BNC.

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1 The spectacular charge of the Light Blue Brigade from stakeboat to finish line con founded the bookies and the Tideway pundits who gave them no chance against Barcelona gold medallist Matthew Pinsent and his crew .
2 Trembling with shock , she leaned against a sundial and re-ran the disastrous interview in her mind from start to finish .
3 If he 'd had the money to choose a more experienced barrister , if the Marshal himself had been on the spot in the first place instead of that young fool student , Bacci , who fancied himself as some sort of Hollywood detective , probably have shot himself accidentally by this time … whole thing had been a mess from start to finish
4 P&O merchant seamen were in the thick of the battle from start to finish and the war histories of P&O , British India , Orient Line , New Zealand Shipping , Hain Nourse , Strick , Federal Steam and Moss Hutchison tell of countless dramas and acts of courage .
5 Hello there … derby between Oxford and Swindon … it was a thriller from start to finish … with eight goals … five to United … three to Town
6 To see just how important this is we 'll follow the course of one eruption from start to finish .
7 The visit hardly went like a breeze from start to finish .
8 This particular skill of Tamburlaine 's is a recurrent theme from start to finish , and we first notice it when he is confronted by Theridamas. he realises that the odds are stacked high in Theridamas ' favour when it comes to the battle , and so he decides to appease Theridamas , and he uses his words as weapons .
9 And er that was a constant process from start to finish .
10 It was a demolition job from start to finish .
11 He led the Regal 600 race from start to finish , but was quick to point out that it was a far from easy victory .
12 His Banbury-based Prodrive outfit dominated the race from start to finish .
13 The whole thing was nonsense from start to finish .
14 Tonson did his best , without reprinting the whole from start to finish , correcting every detail , to bring his reading text into line with theatrical fact ; but we need not assume that changes on the stage and on the page were perfectly synchronized .
15 The basis of any method is the assembly of several different actions or steps into an orderly procedure taking the most efficient route from start to finish .
16 Such a rule would prevent solicitors handling the client 's case from start to finish .
17 NORTHERN Ireland played its part from start to finish in the Falkands war — and for a price .
18 In fact he was under par each day and he led the tournament from start to finish and equalled the Championship four-round score .
19 I was due to learn the trade from start to finish with the with the idea of getting myself up to getting on the road .
20 International players were made to look foolish as the ball swirled capriciously in the wind that howled around the ground from start to finish .
21 To be fair to the scientific establishment , we have to recognize that the vast majority of outrageous new theories are rubbish from start to finish .
22 Mr Mayhew denounced our report as ‘ rubbish from start to finish . ’
23 Bloody shambles from start to finish . ’
24 They were in control from start to finish , with Don Caskie scoring the first try midway through the first half .
25 So far , this has been handled by visits to Unipart 's headquarters in Oxford to understand the wholesaling operation from start to finish and to see the ‘ parts superstores ’ that are typical of the UK retail market .
26 The object of this research is to compile statistics in US dollars terms of annual Soviet economic aid deliveries by monitoring progress on each project from start to finish , and relating this to the original value given to that project .
27 I just want someone to know that this — all this stuff — has been a burden and nothing but a burden from start to finish , and that I feel no twinge of regret at coming out of that place , and that I shall never go back into it , ever , so help me Frederica Potter .
28 She added : ‘ Frankly , I think she is an utter disaster from start to finish and was never going to make a member of the Royal Family .
29 Warren Beatty , as stilted as ever , manages to carry the film from start to finish without ever threatening to manipulate his chiselled features into more than one expression .
30 Eleven-year-old Kelly Wilding , also from Gatley , said : ‘ I really enjoyed the film from start to finish .
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