Example sentences of "[noun sg] deal [prep] the matter " in BNC.

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1 The club dealt with the matter commendably but men like Murray must inwardly have been dismayed .
2 Someone there was having a heated argument with an official , who then called the guard to deal with the matter .
3 Mr J. Ferguson , 2 Viewfield Road was appointed chairman of a committee to deal with the matter .
4 That there is some common ground is shown by the welcome that the hon. Gentleman gave to the concept of the Public Accounts Committee looking at the regulators and to our slightly wider suggestion that there should be a Select Committee to deal with the matter .
5 The Bains Committee dealt with the matter in two very cautiously written paragraphs .
6 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken .
7 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken . ’
8 The kitchen is a workplace in its own right ; there is a job to be done , and it will be impossible for the speechreader to deal with the matter in hand if eyes have to be constantly switched to the speaker 's face .
9 The mystified motorist whose car has gone wrong may know only that it needs repair and that he should take it to a mechanic : his competence to deal with the matter may go no further .
10 Ptr. , 1960 S.L.T. ( Notes ) 3 , where the executor of a deceased licence holder to whom the licence had been transferred failed , through inadvertence , not only to apply for a renewal at the next half-yearly meeting , but also to request a licensing court to deal with the matter at an adjourned meeting .
11 ‘ I will accept nothing of the sort , Miss Kenton , until I have had a chance to deal with the matter .
12 Er an so there can be profound differences in er if you think of a subject I touched upon last time , a very er contentious issue in American politics , the abortion issue , erm before the Supreme Court dealt with the matter in the nineteen seventies , every state in America had a different law on abortion .
13 He could not prove that without an examination of the manner in which the officers of Parliament dealt with the matter .
14 In dealing with the Commission , it is helpful if businesses know which Directorate-General of the Commission deals with the matter in question , and which is the responsible government department in the UK .
15 for him to determine as a preliminary issue whether the county court had jurisdiction to deal with the matter , or whether , as the council claim , the question whether they had discharged their statutory duty under section 69 could only be raised by way of proceedings for judicial review in the High Court .
16 Sharma v Knight [ 1986 ] 1 WLR 757 is authority for the proposition that jurisdiction conferred on county courts by statute is a general one and it is not restricted to the district in which proceedings should have been brought in accordance with Ord 4 , r 8 and that , if proceedings have been brought in the wrong county court , then the court nevertheless has jurisdiction to deal with the matter .
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