Example sentences of "[prep] pointing out the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of pointing out the errors you may be told that it is very good but have been better in a darker wood !
2 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
3 The 1840 Preface to The Chronicles of Crime ; or The New Newgate Calendar indicates a new ‘ moral ’ tone — ‘ Chronicles of Crime must comprise details , not only interesting to every person concerned for the welfare of society , but useful to the world in pointing out the consequences of guilt to be equally dreadful and inevitable ’ .
4 With these people the remedy lies in pointing out the responsibility that faith requires .
5 Self , in pointing out the difficulties of building political theory on the basis of the assumption that man is exclusively egoistic , finds Niskanen 's theory to be ‘ empirically false on each main point ’ .
6 It consists in pointing out the fact that , as soon as we use the stages as a type of classification , we find we have more doubtful borderline cases than typical ones , because of the great variation of social systems in history in different parts of the world .
7 An answer which merely consists in pointing out the falsehood or impossibility of the conclusion must , therefore , be missing the point .
8 But , in pointing out the inequities in the situation , the CEOs have raised a dust storm that seems to obscure other important issues relating to corporate auditing and accounting .
9 Please take a look in your own back yard before pointing out the mess in others ' .
10 That , and the fact that Rick 's Cafe , in the Hyatt Regency Hotel , was built more than a dozen years after Bogart 's death , does not prevent taxi drivers from pointing out the building ‘ where the movie was made ’ and indicating the top floor suite ‘ where he wooed Ingrid Bergman ’ .
11 But perhaps the most striking of all the devices are the frequent self-conscious comments made by the author , laying bare his devices precisely by pointing out the differences between fabula and syuzhet , as , for example , in the following : In Tristram Shandy ( and in the O. Henry stories discussed in another essay by Eikhenbaum ) the devices are laid bare to such an extent that there remains hardly any motivation for the much diminished fabula .
12 And I promise not to embarrass you in front of the paying public by pointing out the mildew on your roses . ’
13 In the immediate post-war years there was an attempt to absolve the bureaucracy of responsibility for externally aggressive and internally repressive policies , by pointing out the ways in which bureaucrats had tried to hold back military excesses .
14 But Smith 's tacit acquiescence with the notion that the method adopted by these researchers amounted to deception and that such deception needs to be justified ( by pointing out the importance of the question being asked ) should not go unchallenged .
15 Countless twentieth-century dictators have been defended from their detractors by pointing out the asceticism of their private lives .
16 Offer an escape route , by pointing out the whereabouts of the toilet , if you notice a particular member is looking exceptionally bad .
17 Some anthropologists would counter these examples by arguing that there actually are class-like phenomena in such states ( Terray , 1975 ) , by pointing out the difference in access to the means of production between elders and juniors and men and women , but even if this argument is accepted it gives little support to the general theory in that such ‘ class ’ differences also occur in clearly stateless societies .
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