Example sentences of "[prep] the seventeenth [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 The relation of patron to artist is examined , as are the stylistic influences that shaped Mughal art : the Persian heritage , the discovery of western art , the elegance and aestheticism of the Mughal court , the painters of ascetics and the India of the mystics , the development of realistic portraiture during the seventeenth century and the discovery of chiaroscuro .
2 This view first became popular during and as a consequence of the Scientific Revolution that took place mainly during the seventeenth century and that was brought about by such great pioneering scientists as Galileo and Newton .
3 Conspiracy as a crime was developed by the Star Chamber during the seventeenth century and , when taken over by the common law courts , came to be regarded by them as not only a crime but also as capable of giving rise to civil liability provided damage resulted to the plaintiff .
4 During the seventeenth century and for long afterwards philosopher-humanists of Montaigne 's colour remained a small minority ; Shakespeare 's Caliban , beast rather than human being , was the common man s stereotype of the newly discovered savages of Africa , America and the South Seas .
5 I think I have read most of what was written by or about him in English between the seventeenth century and , say , 1975 .
6 The earlier work of historical demographers of households was concentrated on examining the simple measure of household size , and they were able to establish by a variety of evidence that the average size remained remarkably consistent between the seventeenth century and the twentieth .
7 There was a perfect grace which architects had been working towards through the seventeenth century and which seemed to peak in its purest form at about this time , not without a little Royal influence from Holland !
8 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
9 The revolution had already begun by the end of the seventeenth century and its first candidate was the big , rangy Longhorn .
10 The reluctance of monarchs to summon Parliaments ( except when necessary , for reasons of self-interest , to do so ) was an important feature of the constitutional struggle of the seventeenth century and an important element in their downfall .
11 This increased as the use of the parish coffin began to wane , so that by the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth , the parish coffin had practically disappeared .
12 Its existence as a commercial centre predated the start of the Edo period , but it grew rapidly from the early years of the seventeenth century and by the 1730s had an estimated population of over 300,000 .
13 Such were the Bosnian hajduks of the seventeenth century and Serbian hero Banović Strahinja .
14 Its cooking partner was the Costard which was sold in the markets of Oxford from 1296 until the end of the seventeenth century and bequeathed us the word ‘ costermonger ’ — meaning someone who hawks fruit and vegetables in the street .
15 The plight of the poor was ameliorated by the slowing down of population growth during the second half of the seventeenth century and by simultaneous improvements in agricultural production techniques and employment opportunities offered by rural industries .
16 During the later years of the seventeenth century and the opening decades of the eighteenth a few provincial towns began to grow rapidly .
17 Pioneering scholarship in the 1960s by Rudé and Rose suggested that food rioting first occurred in Oxfordshire in the closing years of the seventeenth century and then spread over the South and West and into the Midlands , but were uncommon in the northern counties .
18 The origins of an organised market in the debt of the government can be traced to the end of the seventeenth century and during the following hundred years the growth of the Stock Exchange itself was closely bound up with the growth of government debt .
19 The ‘ simpliciter ’ collection is simple indeed — four parts , the highest carrying the melody — but the ‘ fugue-wise ’ ones treat the successive phrases of the hymn in motet style on lines that were to be followed throughout the seventeenth century and beyond .
20 They did not even try to make their horses do what they wanted by the ordinary or commonplace methods of these days ; they believed that punishment was the best method of education , and this style of ‘ horsemanship ’ persisted into the seventeenth century and beyond .
21 The vicissitudes of climate and harvest continued into the seventeenth century and Pussot goes on to record the contrast between the abundant vintage of 1604 , when the vignerons were ‘ at their wits ’ end for vessels to contain their wine' , and the devastating harvest three years later when the vintage was considered so poor that it ‘ had not been known within the memory of man ’ .
22 Lawrence Stone has put forward a highly influential argument that the eighteenth century saw the rise of the companionate marriage , and that affection between husband and wife was for the first time widely judged as important as economic considerations in marriage This argument has been widely challenged in relation to all classes by historians examining various kinds of evidence from the seventeenth century and earlier The belief that affection as an ideal of marriage was basically invented by the middle and upper classes in the eighteenth century has , however , led some critics into simplistic views .
23 Similar , but larger , is the Patriarchal Cathedral at Bucharest — dating from the seventeenth century and several times restored ( 235 ) .
24 They first appeared in the seventeenth century and ceased to be built after the middle of the nineteenth century , when the advent of portable threshing machines meant that ricks could be built and threshed in the fields and field barns were no longer needed .
25 Together with the Normande , the cattle of Brittany helped to create breeds as geographically distant as the Canadian and the colour-pointed Mauritius White , both of which are descended from stock of the old types : the Canadian was developed from cattle which accompanied French settlers in the seventeenth century and the Mauritius White in the eighteenth century .
26 These transitions occurred in North American forestry in the period between early colonial occupation in the seventeenth century and 1920 .
27 The Dutch replaced the Portuguese in the seventeenth century and established a relatively stable colony in the coastal regions of the island .
28 The word itself first came into usage in the seventeenth century and was not intended as academic jargon or as a sociologism .
29 The part of this street above the church is known as the Rue de la Citadelle , because up to the right is the large classical citadel , built in the seventeenth century and reshaped soon after , along with the town walls , by the inescapable Vauban , whose job it was to make south-west France for ever safe from incursions from across the mountains .
30 So — strictly speaking — it is not correct to say that it ‘ happened ’ in the seventeenth century and to leave it at that .
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