Example sentences of "[prep] the first [noun sg] ad " in BNC.

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1 Dendrochronological research for the first millennium AD is still under development with a number of floating chronologies in existence ; but the general rarity of timbers suitable for such work from the types of site belonging to this period also limits the value of the method at present .
2 During the first century AD a number of homesteads on islands and in coastal regions were fortified , possibly against Roman slave traders .
3 ( First Edition ) DRAMATIC evidence of the First Century AD Jewish revolt against Rome , which led up to the famous siege and mass suicide of Masada , has been unearthed by Israeli archaeologists in the desert to the east of Jerusalem .
4 The Hound of Ulster is supposed to have lived at the beginning of the first century AD .
5 Another striking characteristic of Roman art of the first century AD is the adoption for private use of motifs originally intended for public monuments .
6 By the middle of the first century AD a less restrained taste prevailed in idealised art as in portraiture .
7 Paul 's description of the first Gentile Christians scattered round the Mediterranean coastlands of the first century AD would be true of the family into which I was born : ‘ not many wise as men reckon wisdom , not many in positions of power or from noblest families , not many wealthy ’ ( 1 Corinthians 1:26 ) .
8 Such Persian names survive in local nomenclature till Roman times : the priests of Artemis at Ephesus went on being called Megabyxoi for centuries after 330 ; or we might compare the place-name Maibozani , recently attested ( JRS , 1975 , p. 65 , line 10 , with p. 73 : a Roman inscription from Ephesus of the first century AD ) .
9 On the other hand , in the middle of the first millennium AD , radiocarbon produces ‘ ages ’ that are too old by a century or so ( fig. 7.4 ) .
10 The French speak a language derived from that small group of speakers of Latin who conquered Gaul at the beginning of the first millennium AD , although they suppose they are descended more from the Gauls than the Romans .
11 These smiths , towards the end of the first millennium AD , clearly knew how their metals would behave .
12 By what route the technique got into West Africa — or even whether it was independently devised there — can not be ascertained until we have discovered more sites of the first millennium AD , and earlier in West Africa .
13 The lands which the South Slav tribes first entered , in the middle of the first millennium AD , were geographically very different from their earlier homelands north of the Carpathians , in the Vistula basin and the Ukraine .
14 The first defendant , Capricorn , a company registered in Panama , was the owner of a valuable reliquary which was an important piece of ancient Pakistan art of the Gandhara period , dating from the first century AD .
15 From the first century AD , the principles of gearing were understood and used by the Romans , so that a horizontal millstone could be turned by a vertical waterwheel .
16 The Romans produced coins from this alloy which , in the first century AD , contained about 25 per cent zinc .
17 For example , Plato , writing in the first century AD , says that some regarded oreichalkos ( brass ) as being above silver , and more recently , in the nineteenth century , when aluminium first became available as an expensive novelty it was used in place of silver for prestige items .
18 Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets ; according to Pliny , writing in the first century AD , 25 g of gold could be beaten into 750 leaves each 10 cm square .
19 Christianity , as it arose as a messianic reform movement within Judaism in the first century AD , had some characteristics of an early reform Judaism .
20 The menstrual taboo , originally presented and applied with explicit reference to maintaining the purity of the Temple and its cultic participants , was in the first century AD recast in terms of family law and the purity of marriage within the domestic unit .
21 Roman bronze coins of the early second century BC were still being used in the first century AD , and very little bronze coinage was made between about 150 and 20BC .
22 The origins of Cognitive–Behaviour therapy may be traced back to the philosopher Epictetus , who in the first century AD wrote ‘ People are disturbed not so much by events as by the views which they take of them ’ .
23 Already in the first century AD , under the influence of Judaism , Roman Society had begun to introduce a weekly day of rest — unlike ancient Greece where there were not even any school holidays , except on special occasions such as days in honour of Apollo , Poseidon , etc .
24 The Roman epic poet Statius , in the first century AD , claimed it was unlawful to know this god even existed .
25 These maxims , many of them reflecting nothing more than common sense , and taken from the recorded experience of the past , were to be found mainly in two works : the Facta et dicta memorabilia of Valerius Maximus , written in the first century AD , and the Stratagemata of Frontinus , composed in the same century by a man who had been for a short while Roman governor of Britain .
26 The only text of the whole legend which exists is that written by the Greek author Plutarch in the first century AD , De Iside et Osiride .
27 Just out of Bainbridge by the road that snakes up by Brough Hill are the remains of a Roman camp built by Agricola in the first century AD to police the area .
28 Much of the learning and practice of the Egyptians was absorbed by Greek physicians , one of the best known of whom is Dioscorides , an army doctor who lived during the time of Nero in the first century AD .
29 Another example is the numbfish which Pliny the Elder wrote about in the first century AD .
30 The numbfish , which Pliny the Elder recorded in the first century AD , are now known as electric rays .
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