Example sentences of "[prep] which i will return " in BNC.

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1 Such doubts as exist stem from the power which curriculum control gives to the curriculum designers ( a topic to which I will return in later chapters ) .
2 Having argued that animals can act intentionally ( to which I will return in the section on autonomy ) , he thinks this to be ‘ possible only for those who are self-conscious ’ ( 1983 : 75 ) .
3 A great deal of ink has been spilled over the nature of indirect duties , to which I will return in the next section .
4 This is a matter to which I will return later .
5 Pop videos themselves are consistently reactionary in their sexual imagery ( and this is an aspect of the cooption of new pop to which I will return ) if only because they draw on visual conventions of masculinity and femininity ( taken from cinema history and television commercials ) that are much more coherent than pop 's adolescent ambiguities .
6 While such phrases do not do justice to its many insights — to which I will return in Chapter 8 — there are nevertheless some serious weaknesses in the approach .
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