Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] to investigate the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The news that the Secretary of State for Scotland has asked for a feasibility study to investigate the need for a second Forth road bridge is unwelcome and merely confirms that the Scottish Office lacks a viable , long-term strategy for transport .
2 This and other recommendations have been made by a four-member panel of distinguished heart experts , forced a year ago by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to investigate the episode .
3 The first research team to investigate the prevalence of opioid use through multi-agency surveys and fieldwork was the London-based Drug Indicators Project ( Hartnoll et al .
4 Concern over the reported variations in success rates of represented and unrepresented applicants to tribunals led the Lord Chancellor in 1987 to commission a two-year research project to investigate the effectiveness of representation at tribunals ( Genn and Genn , 1989 ) .
5 It is the purpose of this research project to investigate the mechanisms of the decision-making process underpinning the migration of households into that part of rural Britain lying immediately beyond the South East Regional Planning Region ( SERPLAN ) , which , according to all recent population censuses and estimates , is a belt of sustained and substantial population growth .
6 It was established in response to a resolution passed by the 1992 AGM calling for the Bar Council to investigate the position of women at the Bar .
7 invites the Bar Council to investigate the decision by the DPP not to prosecute the six police officers found responsible for the unlawful killing of .
8 In the future they can ask the Audit Commission to investigate the effects ; 4 .
9 The MPs also call on the Home Office to investigate the frequency of racial attacks .
10 The largest order received in the year was the £261,000 contract awarded to the Department of Veterinary Medicine from the Overseas Development Agency to investigate the interaction between nutrition and genetic resistance to parasitic disease .
11 Mr Howell says he is asking the chief education officer to investigate the matter urgently .
12 Intel Corp has found another patent that it thinks is being infringed , and has asked the US International Trade Commission to investigate the import from Taiwan of Twinhead Inc 's Slimnote notebook computers , and put a ban on them .
13 The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) on May 27 rejoined the Commission for the Consolidation of Peace ( Copaz ) following a government pledge to investigate the shooting and serious wounding of an FMLN bodyguard .
14 Islington responded to the formal complaints by appointing the superintendent 's immediate line manager to investigate the allegations in December , which Harris says resulted in a lack of objectivity .
15 After delivering his message of support to the organic movement at Cirencester , he held a seminar at Kensington Palace to air the issues , and he and John Higgs subsequently went down to Elm Farm to investigate the possibilities of employing organic methods on the home farm .
16 I remember , for example , being sent for just after I joined the Heavy Organic Chemicals division , and asked by the then chairman of the division , Tom Clarke , to take charge of a company mission to investigate the price of naphtha .
17 On 31 January , 1961 , before man was brave enough to venture on high , Ham was sent up in a Mercury capsule to investigate the stresses and strains of space flight .
18 ‘ Management ’ ( which is relatively cheap ) is seen as the key to change : so education support grants are made available for management training , management consultants proliferate , and the Secretary of State sets up a high-powered task force to investigate the management training and development needs of heads and senior staff .
19 He refused an invitation from the EC 's energy authority to investigate the possibilities of translating electricity , generated within green plants , into a new source of fuel : he did not care for the clause giving the EC the right to suppress anything in the eventual reports .
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