Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [be] accounted for " in BNC.

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1 The smaller reduction in the Medical Research Council 's trial may be accounted for by the high rate of drop outs and deviations from the protocol .
2 The refund should be accounted for gross , with the tax shown as part of the tax charge .
3 Indeed , the reported release of PYY and enteroglucagon by fat in the small bowel may be accounted for by the effects of the bile salts with which the fat was suspended .
4 If a capital instrument contains an obligation to transfer economic benefits the entire instrument should be accounted for as a liability .
5 Therefore , the instrument will be accounted for as a liability .
6 And the same change throughout the industry can be accounted for by the functional fact that only those firms which made this change would have survived the competition .
7 Furthermore , even when examining recorded crimes only , changes in the figures may be accounted for by reasons other than the fact that the actual number of offences have changed , and there are a variety of other ways in which an increase in recorded crime can be accounted for .
8 The ACT must be accounted for on the CT61 form under the quarterly accounting procedure , under which the ACT must be paid within 14 days after the end of each return period .
9 The content of the act and its successful passage can be accounted for only by the sustained and effective political activity of the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria , one of the two wealthiest , and probably the best organised , health charity in Australia .
10 How much of eighteenth century poetry can be accounted for by this term is arguable , yet the idea is certainly useful with respect to Mary Leapor .
11 Money was being spent , but money could be accounted for .
12 Some of the difference may be accounted for by the greater number of court sites and judicial officials in proportion to population and area in Sri Lanka than in India .
13 Where the finance cost for non-equity shares is not equal to the dividends the difference should be accounted for in the profit and loss account as an appropriation of profits .
14 Deferred tax should be accounted for to the extent that it is probable that an asset or liability will arise .
15 Shares issued by subsidiaries other than those held by companies within the group should be accounted for in consolidated financial statements as liabilities if any member of the group has an obligation to transfer economic benefits in connection with the shares , for example under a guarantee of payments to be made in respect of the shares .
16 The vegetation of the field was analysed by ordination and correlation techniques which showed that only a minor part of the variation in species distribution could be accounted for by underlying edaphic factors , though in the peripheral areas of the pasture the presence of hedges and trees accounted for significant changes in the vegetation — e.g. Dadtylis glomerata occurred mainly in or close to the shade of the trees .
17 The average correlation observed , 0.32 , between a subject 's estimates and the true figures is only slightly lower than the correlation of 0.4 reported in Brehmer ( 1987 ) and any difference could be accounted for by the different range of actual accident statistics used in the two studies .
18 This ambiguity can be accounted for without the need either for two different elements enter , or two different elements again , if we regard the meaning of enter as being constituted out of more elementary semantic entities which are related quasi-syntactically :
19 Thru subverts the literary theory which has as its premise that every narrative contains a meaning and that this meaning can be accounted for in terms of a universal ‘ elementary structure of signification ’ which posits woman as an object of exchange between men .
20 Between 500 and 1000 km of north-south crustal shortening could be accounted for by an equivalent amount of lateral crustal movement arising from the ‘ ploughing ’ motion of the Indian Plate as it moved northwards and displaced lithospheric blocks in the Eurasian Plate .
21 You can see that much of what is known about the Moon can be accounted for by these theories .
22 It may be argued that the effects of physical-care experiences , though obscured later on by subsequent events , do at least have an impact at the time , and that much of the variation in infant behaviour can be accounted for by differences in training practices .
23 The results indicated that , with a high degree of probability , more than 99.8 per cent of the total collection could be accounted for .
24 ‘ Madame used to stand at the gate to the pavillon , looking down the lane into the rue Victorie , in the belief that Montaine 's absence could be accounted for .
25 That the concept of a target real wage rate can be accounted for in terms of the behaviour of rational , maximizing agents is amply demonstrated in the works of Layard , of Carlin and Soskice ( 1990 ) and of the works of the new Keynesian school ( see Chapter 8 ) .
26 One murder can be explained , one suicide can be accounted for , but another suicide ? ’
27 The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset should be accounted for in the profit and loss account of the period in which the disposal occurs as the difference between the net sale proceeds and the net carrying amount .
28 The payment will be costed gross and any retention or cash discount will be accounted for in the financial accounts .
29 Although much of its growth may be accounted for by the rapid increase in headhunting in financial services in the mid-1980s , the firm 's capability and success in this market stemmed from its secure reputation established over the preceding decade .
30 The carrying amount should be recalculated to take account of circumstances prevailing at each balance sheet date , and any change in the carrying amount should be accounted for as an increase or decrease in the finance cost for the period .
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