Example sentences of "[unc] [adv] [adv] as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er right so as I say it 's a lighthearted approach and on christian name terms and with that in mind would you detach one of these and just stick your name on so that at least if you do n't know then at some stage during the course you stand a good chance of getting to know each other because again the essence of this course is informality and talking .
2 Er and erm it 's difficult for people to maintain er not only as I say , but in their lifestyle over a particular period of time , so you could be more likely to get at the truth by this method , than by sending out questionnaires .
3 It 's in their hands at the moment er as far as I know they are going to let us know that in the very near future , certainly long before the ballot papers are actually distributed to members .
4 I 've always I 've always felt If I thought it was necessary then that 's the end of it er as far as I know .
5 No , it did n't , er as far as I know .
6 Er as far as I know that 'll be okay .
7 Because er as far as I 'd concerned I 'd never heard of air raids before hand you know , know I had n't and I was , as I say , I was only nine and a half I know but er , I did use to speak to a lot more people than most , er lads of that age did like , you know .
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