Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , because the potential difference across the reactance X of the unknown impedance Z must be in phase quadrature ( 90° out of phase ) with the potential difference across the standard series resistance , the phasor representing it is the projection CB of AB perpendicular to the direction of OA .
2 W majority of the dealing in there was marijuana .
3 First we look at all those in both action and control samples who were still at home either six months or l2 months from the date of their referral to the psychiatrist for the elderly .
4 Figure 8.11(a) depicts the derivation of signals of equal amplitude but separated in phase by π radians through the action of a centre-tapped transformer .
5 In vitro incubations of fresh gastric mucosal biopsy specimens with BrdUrd or tritiated thymidine overcome the constraints of in vivo labelling at the cost of the loss of the dynamic function of pulse labelling .
6 The smaller decrease for Mg 2+ ( 1.4-fold ) may be due to the interference of high Mg 2+ concentration on the interaction of Ca 2+ with calmodulin .
7 They recommended cuts of " one to two per cent per year , starting now " , which could " stabilise atmospheric C02 concentrations by the middle of the 21st century at about 50 per cent above pre-industrial concentrations " .
8 The court has a discretion under s33 to override the s11 or s12 limitation periods if it would be equitable to allow an action to proceed having regard to the prejudice to the plaintiff of applying the s11 or s12 periods against the prejudice to the defendant of not doing so .
9 The highly conserved residues Leu81 , Phe93 and Leu95 form a hydrophobic cluster which anchors the base of the β -hairpin to the core of the three-helix bundle .
10 A dispute which had soured Israeli-US relations for over a year ended on Feb. 20 when Baker telephoned Levi to inform him that he had signed a guarantee for a US$400,000,000 loan for the housing of immigrants , mainly Soviet Jews .
11 However , two recent placebo controlled studies using prolonged oesophageal pH monitoring failed to show any effect of theophylline or Β agonists on the severity of GOR parameters .
12 He described the task of reproducing the mosaic as ‘ something akin to piecing together a 1,500,000-piece jigsaw with the picture to be copied only half complete ’ .
13 Up to 90per cent of the clientele at the Holiday Inn , Maidenhead/Windsor , is made up of businessmen and women , some of whom do n't check in until 10 or 11.00pm .
14 So , a cleansing milk a little a amount in the palm of your hand put over the face , then rinsed off with warm water and then you can dry your face with a towel and you would feel then , perhaps , that you 'd really washed your face .
15 It has had a symmetric multi-processing version of Unix SVR4 available for its Sparc-based DRS6000 systems on the market for some eighteen months now .
16 The Elton Committee suggested that there was some doubt about the application of the in loco parentis principle to the disciplining of pupils — for its application would mean that a parent 's request to a school for a particular form of punishment not to be administered to his/her child would have to be granted .
17 The initial velocity of Ca 2+ flux in the absence of calmodulin was set at 100% .
18 I 've said to my brother Roman Catholic if what you are saying is that the substance of the godhead is in a mystery transferred into our substance that is to say that we are recipitents recipients in the sacrament of the divine life then we go out in faith together believing the same essential .
19 N112 lies on the AB loop at the base of domain 2 .
20 So if we hear any screeching noises or bells , which er do n't turn off after a very very short period of time , we are to er make our way in an orderly fashion to the er base of the staircase of the fire escape , following the fire escape er signs .
21 I can share the concerns of er Miss concerning the expression of the word all in criterion two .
22 Thermodynamic measurements reveal that ΔH and ΔS values for the stacking of an A-U base pair on a second A-U within a poly ( A+U ) double helix are quite similar to those for an A on A interaction in a single strand of DNA or RNA , as evident from a comparison of the data in Table 1 and Table 2 [ 10 , 16 , 25-28 ] .
23 A new version of FuzzyTECH is also promised for the 8 to 16-bit ST9 microcontroller by the end of the year , and support for the 16-bit ST10 is already offered by Inform .
24 Well in terms of er in terms of that particular corridor , clearly that is the the major er route across the county between York , across to Scarborough on the east coast , York , Harrogate and across to Lancashire .
25 These relationships have allowed Chorus to piggyback on the expertise of its partners netting Chorus an SVR4 base in the case of Unisys and now fault tolerance from Tandem .
26 Now I know erm following a fairly recent er er er case in the house of lords that the courts are er entitled to rely on what ministers say in debate but perhaps the minister could er spell out a little bit more clearly the apparent discrepancy between what he said in his speech and what is on the face of these orders and indeed why it is that the orders in r relation to banking and financial services , adopts a different phraseology er to that used in the orders relating to insurance and building societies .
27 Other ad hoc groups beyond the reach of the MISC series can have a considerable impact , even though they may only meet once or twice .
28 And the reason was that er part of the area at a pond near the was erm an ancestral home of the newt .
29 Firstly I have never seen a more clearer er grant from the government to actually let you build houses this year , this is whole point of th th this should happen and if we do n't take it up I believe that in future years to come we shall regret it very , very strongly indeed .
30 One other example of a possibly ad hoc hypothesis from the history of science will be briefly mentioned .
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