Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 At the end of WWII , the Beverley , East Yorks firm of Richard Hodgson 's Tannery had a Memorial to those employees who lost their lives in the two world wars displayed on the outside wall of their social club .
2 Eventually , on Oct. 12 , the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 672 , which essentially followed the US draft , condemned the shootings and welcomed Pérez de Cuellar 's decision to send a mission to the area to " recommend ways and means of ensuring the safety and protection of the Palestinian civilians under Israeli occupation " .
3 Oct. 12 UN Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution 672 condemning the Temple Mount shootings and welcoming the UN Secretary-General 's decision to send a mission to the area [ ibid . ] .
4 While the preparations went ahead , Maria Teresa chattered about who was there and who was n't , of the rumours about the King 's plans to lead an expedition to Morocco and whether her brother would be chosen to accompany him as a gentleman adventurer .
5 Certainly night is a more solemn period than day , when the withdrawal of the sun 's influence enforces a caesura to activity .
6 ‘ We 're in the business of culture-changing , ’ says , chief executive of the Quality Scotland Foundation , explaining the drive behind this non-profit making , independent organisation 's work to make a commitment to quality a recognised national characteristic of Scotland .
7 The view of a matchbox held close to the viewer 's nose gave a clue to the multiple vision of Cubism and Futurism .
8 Sherrin recalled the actor occasionally phoning in with ideas for the monologues , but Crawford 's desire to deliver a eulogy to Sir Winston Churchill after the wartime Prime Minister 's funeral met with a cold response from his producer .
9 Here , in the Rose & Thistle Inn , in this prosperous trading-post that was the last port-of-call for traffic from Sydney , Mrs Gould 's journal reports a return to the familiar routine : ‘ employed all day making drawings ’ ( 24 September ) ; ‘ drawing all day ’ ; ‘ drew all day ’ ; while her labours were relieved by the occasional walk with her husband in the cool air of the early morning or evening :
10 It 's taken gravity-defying tightrope walking by boxing authorities to keep the title unified , even if it is once again threatening to be shattered into pieces by Bowe 's refusal to honour a deal to immediately defend against Lewis .
11 The appointment of Sir Edwin Lutyens [ q.v. ] as the city 's architect put an end to Havell 's dream .
12 And then , when I put the phone down again , it resumes its full natural flow , inside my head instead of outside , as perfectly articulate and well-modulated as only a voice inside one 's head has a chance to be .
13 This is partly a result of the success of the Registration and Inspection Service 's efforts to encourage a move to more single room provision .
14 Lee 's offer followed a statement to Taiwan 's National Assembly on May 15 in which he had suggested that there should be dialogue within a " one-China framework and on a government-to-government basis with the two sides having equal status " .
15 ‘ STEPHEN STREET 'S music has a crispness to it that The Smiths never managed .
16 The club 's success owes a lot to the chess tradition of Queen Mary School , Walsall , which has supplied three of their first team .
17 It would offend both common sense and justice to hold that the very control which enables such people to extract the company 's assets constitutes a defence to a charge of theft from the company .
18 It was just ten minutes to nine , and Richard walked by on his way up to World 's End to catch a bus to the office .
19 Pownall 's suggestion exemplified an approach to the problem of international peace which , from the 1770s onwards , increasingly supplanted schemes of the essentially traditional sort typified by that of St Pierre .
20 More than anything else , Simon 's report put an end to any immediate prospect of the acts being extended to civilian towns .
21 So that the wearing of mourning , fifty years earlier a sign of virtue , had now in Mrs Maugham 's generation become a habit to be scorned and condemned ; it was ostentatious and therefore it was insincere .
22 Grégoire 's ability to take a clock to pieces and put it together again , to strip down a car engine , to harness a horse and ride it well , to know and to cherish the names and characteristics of plants and of animals — all these abilities meant nothing to Hugo at all .
23 Secondly , there is a buyer credit where a bank in the exporter 's country provides a loan to the importer .
24 By the end of yesterday , having had half of the region 's press beating a path to her cage door in deepest East Cowton ( and a simultaneous announcement of her existence was being made in New York ) , she was feeling distinctly tired but kept her pecker up by chewing on a favourite piece of banana .
25 It is necessary to turn back to Ezra 's childhood to find a key to that dire impatience which has led him into so strange a spiritual home as Fascist Italy .
26 Mr Charsley 's prose owes a lot to the Open University — what one might call bearded functionality or poly-correct .
27 If management 's shares confer a right to assets on a winding-up which will be doubled upon profits reaching £x million , this is not a chargeable event as it derives from the ratchet and not from any subsequent event .
28 Such was the papacy 's power to bring a king to his knees .
29 Similarly , Edward Woodville 's fleet posed a threat to Gloucester only as long as the duke 's own position was uncertain ; once he had been recognized as protector the matter could be dealt with .
30 Similarly , Edward Woodville 's fleet posed a threat to Gloucester only as long as the duke 's own position was uncertain ; once he had been recognized as protector the matter could be dealt with .
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