Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fashion : Parisian poet clothed in wit : Charlotte Du Cann looks at an exhibition to mark the centenary of Jean Cocteau 's birth
2 Inside the two guards of the Prince 's retinue sat at a table , much the worse for drink .
3 Finally Joseph 's head appeared at a window of one of the farm buildings .
4 Hamnett 's defection comes at a time of high anxiety in the British fashion industry — but then she 's a woman well known for choosing her moments .
5 Moves to demonstrate the government 's seriousness came at a time when the UN was due to release a report on the effects of the embargo on the Jordanian economy .
6 The judge 's ruling comes at a time when many legal experts are pressing for young children to be allowed to give evidence in court .
7 In New Jersey , the American cricket frog 's voice resounds at a frequency of 3500 hertz , and the female responds immediately to this sound .
8 Paradoxically , Gill and Jackson 's book appeared at a t–me when there was a great deal of activity in the black community directed towards finding black families for black children , thereby making it progressively unnecessary for transracial placements to continue .
9 It is a curiously uncontrolled , self-revealing laugh , for a man of Freddie Vigar 's background to laugh at a man of Howard 's .
10 Mr Arafat 's disappearance comes at a time of unprecedented crisis for the PLO .
11 The Government 's caning began at a conference of 230 headmasters from the country 's top public schools .
12 Dr Simpson found that the spectrum 's shape changed at an energy about 17 keV below that of the most energetic electrons emitted by tritium , which led him to suggest that there might be an extra component to beta decay .
13 All the options came out filling Sweden 's energy needs at a cost of between $5.5 and $7 billion per year , or from 2 to 2.9 cents per kWh .
14 On 1 August 1962 on his return from a visit to Upper Volta , Nkrumah 's party halted at a place called Kulungu .
15 An object of a particular date in a particular context does not automatically mean that it dates that context : a context often contains artefacts of quite different dates , and it is the archaeologists 's task to arrive at an interpretation that fits all the facts .
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