Example sentences of "[modal v] n't [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not the video , you must n't use the video bit
2 there must be a realistic view of what can be achieved but it should n't hinder the improvement process nor stunt enthusiasm .
3 Should n't leave the engine running if you 're not in the car .
4 Mr Pilling said overcrowding should n't sway a magistrates decsion .
5 I 'll admit from the start that my own attempt to arpeggiate the Gambale way sounds more like Sooty than Sweep picking , but I console myself by thinking that I should n't let a signature model impose another player 's personality on my own style !
6 Sorry , we should n't have the committee meeting now , Richard I know has some got some interesting ideas .
7 Anyway , there 's no reason why they should n't pick a law student for the first fifteen . ’
8 She was surprised when she was told she could n't feed the pig swill .
9 She was surprised when she was told she could n't feed the pig swill .
10 just could n't handle the transfer rate from that .
11 I , for one , could n't make a 10in bowl in 45 minutes — at least , not one with which I would be satisfied .
12 Which basically found it could n't make a railway service run and dropped it .
13 It was hard to explain to a youngster who was bright but not particularly well educated that I could n't make a nerve work .
14 A red biplane from Crowfield had taken off and gone into a loop when he came out of the loop he could n't pull the plane level and he crashed into a field .
15 You could n't edit the preview display , of course , and the typefaces were generic rather than accurate representations but things were , it seemed , moving in the right direction .
16 I could n't give a shit dad .
17 ‘ We knew we could n't ignore the race issue .
18 and there was this very charming medical student so I could n't tell the golfing joke because I
19 Police and ambulances turned up to see what was going on , but six bouncers could n't prevent the metal entrance shutters from being wrecked , while inside Michaela was getting a barrage of abuse .
20 Her mum loves it , her friends think the attention is great , but bosses at a firm of Belfast architects could n't spare the city girl the time off she needed for her modelling .
21 He cried for put him on the bed , could n't do no college work so I just went to bed and left him .
22 The Press would never have been able to do its destructive job without the help of Labour figures who could n't pass a TV camera or journalist 's notebook without making a disloyal remark .
23 He contacted the South Africans who had been told they could n't meet a council delegation independently and invited them to a meeting in Darlington town hall .
24 ‘ A fucking lion tamer , ’ he said , looking at Paddy , ‘ ye could n't tame a pussy cat . ’
25 If I could n't produce a marriage date , and Nigel could n't officially be registered dead without it , perhaps he was n't , because legally he could n't be , and when I got home I 'd find …
26 He believed that there were ‘ some ’ , but he could n't name a Guards regiment with a black soldier in it .
27 She could n't have er she could n't have a feather pillow .
28 When it was being drawn up ‘ we agreed we could n't have a cash limit and we never said there would be a cash limit ’ .
29 And then a fortnight before the end of the , the summer holidays they were told they could n't have the dining hall because the day after the Freemasons were having their
30 Most of all she did n't like being too far from town to join a Brownie Guide Pack — and even now , when she looked like being able to get into the town , she could n't join the Brownie Pack !
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