Example sentences of "[modal v] n't go [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure you should n't go round in the middle of a performance .
2 I love you should n't go out into the world , become a currency , a traded share , make profits for us .
3 He could n't go on the corkscrew he could n't go up on the ship he could n't go on anything .
4 They laughed so much , they could n't go on with the interview .
5 Could n't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in .
6 The Italian dirty tricks department worked overtime as Galvano 's management tried to scream ‘ no contest ’ , claiming a head clash caused the badly cut left eye that meant their man could n't go on after the third round .
7 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
8 I could n't go back into the office in this state .
9 She could n't go back into the house either .
10 You could n't go back to the time when the great art critics like Bernard Berenson and Herbert Read reigned supreme , even if you wanted to .
11 I think this is because for the last five months I was pregnant I was so withdrawn and would n't talk to anybody — would n't go out of the house , I used to sit upstairs or here hoping she would n't kick too hard and my dad would n't see anything .
12 I 'd put them all in an old suitcase and erm , cos I could n't just put them in there I had to have a look , they 're sentimental and that book was in there so I can definitely get you that , but I would n't go up in the loft I 'm afraid , I 'm so scared of creepy crawlies so er , you know , if you , if you want to come back some time when my husband 's here I mean he can tell you more about the wallpaper and decorating , and I 'll get him to get that out .
13 ‘ Not all , ’ said Memet , ‘ but we would n't go back to the olive trees — not for ever , not unless we could take our money with us . ’
14 She would n't go out in the car the other week so we like chained her to the wall we were .
15 Well it 's fairly obvious that you ca n't go back to the plant , in n it ? ’ agreed his platinum blonde flatmate Deirdre .
16 I ca n't go down to the garage and sell cars like this !
17 You ca n't go down to the shops , you ca n't go round your mum 's , you ca n't go to your auntie 's , you 're losing your freedom .
18 ’ We ca n't go down to the planet ! ’
19 ‘ So I ca n't go out through the garden ? ’
20 I 'm that 's why I ca n't go out during the day on Wednesday
21 ‘ But I ca n't go out in the street because every day in every street here there is a massacre by grenades .
22 When it was just your Dad and I we , we could go out all evening and then , then come back to the tent , but when we 've got you two we have to be back in the , we ca n't go out in the evenings .
23 Where 's my special walking stick , I ca n't go out in the jungle without walking stick cos I might slip over .
24 I wo n't go on about the England game — you know what happened — except to say it was crap being there .
25 But it has not been too cold at night and hopefully this wo n't go on until the winter .
26 But they wo n't go out on the streets until officers using them have been fully trained .
27 ‘ She says she wo n't go back for the operation now because of what happened . ’
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