Example sentences of "[modal v] not have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am aware that you are much more concerned in the matter , which I am going to lay before you , than your Mother , yet I should not have troubled you with it , except through her , had it not been of Importance not to lose time .
2 ‘ Or perhaps I should not have asked you at all . ’
3 I should not have discussed it at all if I had not been asked the questions .
4 This perhaps supports the criticism that the Queen 's advisers should not have allowed her to be urged into an immediate invitation to Lord Home and that she should have taken at least a little time fully to apprise herself of the changing political situation and of the views of the Conservative leadership , as it was then emerging .
5 It is also the budget that has taken notice of what the opposition have actually said we listened to you we have not persevered with our original thinking , we 've talked to the officers , we 've listened to what you 've said , we may not have done it with the greatest grace possible but .
6 Both Mancetter and Oxfordshire are well inland for convenient harbours , but this may not have prevented them from using water-borne transport .
7 The wasp will remember exactly what to do at each burrow , according to its stage in the cycle , and the number of caterpillars it already contains , even though she may not have visited it for several days .
8 But had the statement been plainly defamatory of Crozier , the court would have ordered the settlement to be postponed until after his trial , and may not have allowed it to be made at all under the cloak of absolute privilege .
9 Some of the water in very deep aquifers may not have entered them as rain .
10 They may not have enthused him for their particular brand of political idealism , but they certainly sowed seeds of great potential musically .
11 My grandmother may not have delivered you at all . ’
12 While a splendid Gris , the 1912 gouache-pastel-charcoal ‘ Nature morte avec bouteille et cigares ’ ( est. $300,000–400,000 ) inexplicably sold under-estimate for $280,000 ( £155,600 ) the work 's severity may not have endeared it to many people the biggest surprise was the prices paid for the Legers , which came from all points of the artist 's career .
13 Wickham suspected he looked dubious because she hurried on : ‘ Oh , I know you 're thinking I might not have noticed him at the bar .
14 ‘ He might not have noticed it in coffee . ’
15 Your companion might not have made it at all . ’
16 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
17 Not doubling it , not trebling it , but to improve it by something like five or ten percent , and then the next time we go to a sales conference , you 'll be the ones winning the prizes , instead of the people who 've to be winning the prizes , because you 'll not have to improve it by much to win the prizes do you ?
18 As his next letter , dated 11 January showed , the Spender book could not have reached me before 12 January at the earliest , and I wanted to keep to the length of an article .
19 Of course , Mr Nakamura could not have done it without a lot of help from his staff : two of them resigned with him and all other executives are taking a six month pay cut of between 20 per cent and 50 per cent .
20 He could not have returned you to England no matter how hard he had tried . ’
21 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
22 The organisation of the celebrations on such a large scale was a major success for Pateman and although he could not have known it at the time he was in the final few months of his long and difficult years of service to the District and the WEA .
23 Although the trial judge in Jones was said to have been wrong in saying that the police need not have informed her of the presence of a solicitor called by another person , the admission of a statement made by Jones in the absence of a solicitor was upheld .
24 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
25 But revision would not have saved him from his misunderstandings , his reluctance to think , his complete lack of biological imagination .
26 ‘ She could not say nay ; and she must needs do his bidding ; and yet she would not have done it for all this world .
27 It should be remembered that recovery is a process of improving perception and is not merely an intellectual process : if sufferers could fully see and understand what they were doing to themselves , they would not have done it in the first place .
28 However , this has been used mainly for those whose crimes would not have sent them to prison anyway .
29 Perhaps those who came in repentance and were prepared for the running waters of Jordan to flow over their heads in judgment were thought of as undergoing the judgment of God in symbol so that they would not have to undergo it in its awful reality on the Day of Judgment .
30 But though this was so , Lord Coke reports that it was resolved by the whole Court of Common Pleas ‘ that payment of a lesser sum on the day in satisfaction of a greater can not be any satisfaction for the whole , because it appears to the judges that by no possibility a lesser sum can be satisfaction to the plaintiff for a greater sum : but the gift of a horse , hawk , or robe , etc. , in satisfaction is good for it shall be intended that a horse , hawk , or robe , etc. , might be more beneficial to the plaintiff than the money , in respect of some circumstance , or otherwise the plaintiff would not have accepted it in satisfaction .
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