Example sentences of "[modal v] not be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A congregation must not be baffled by obscurity , but it must not be patronised by too much informality either .
2 First , the switch from deficit to surplus must not be offset by falls in private saving ( which might follow from higher taxes ) .
3 The dumping of contaminants ‘ in situ ’ must be ended and the most sensitive areas of seabed must not be disturbed by exploration .
4 We must not be misled by language .
5 Seeing the primal figure is dangerous ; tribesmen avoid the sight of their chief , and God can not and must not be seen by mortals .
6 But Gentlemen for your deliberations to be useful they must be free — your opinions must not be shackled by authorities ; & I know that were I present your candor and delicacy towards me would be such , as to prevent that freedom of discussion and investigation , which is absolutely necessary to obtain a knowledge of facts .
7 In other words , communication links must not be used by superiors as a means of reclaiming authority .
8 As Christians we must not be intimidated by secularisation : if we are , we have nothing distinctive to say .
9 McTaggart comments : ‘ It might perhaps suffice if we say that the relation between the living body and the mental state must not be mediated by intervention of any other living body . ’
10 Greece and Turkey will be asked to accept that the border between them must not be changed by force , and to agree to a set of ‘ confidence-building measures ’ — pull-backs from the border , inspectors on the ground , aerial reconnaissance — to help them trust each other .
11 OVEX TM must not be taken by women who are or think they may be pregnant .
12 Kaifu 's revised package , including further compromises and in particular meeting Komeito 's insistence that the entire sum should not be raised by tax increases , was publicly accepted by Komeito on Feb. 16 , thereby making its approval by the end of March almost inevitable .
13 Its importance and future potential should not be ignored by governments in their agricultural planning .
14 We are the victims of a societal ethic that voluntary service provision should not be tainted by association with political activism .
15 A guardian 's appointment should not be affected by transfer of the case to another court unless the receiving court terminates the appointment ( Home Office Circular 48/1991 , para 50 ) .
16 It should not be affected by recession .
17 Colin MacCabe 's position was that realism should not be defined by content or by its capacity to mirror reality but by the way in which the text 's organisation functioned to position the spectator/reader .
18 Pleas that the character of the North Yorkshire market town of Pickering should not be spoiled by takeaway food shops have been made by town councillors who rejected schemes to convert a dry cleaners into a kebab house and for a pizza takeaway at a music shop .
19 But this should not be done by measures which add to employment costs , they argue .
20 But they requested that his refusal should not be transmitted by appeal to the court of France ( that is , to the king and peers ) , for that would be to recognize the superiority of Philip III 's court in a matter which was by no means certain .
21 They felt that the aggressive behaviour and attention-seeking which are more prevalent among males should not be reinforced by teacher responses .
22 candied stems for cakes and confectionery ; seeds for flavouring a variety of drinks including vermouth , gin , Chartreuse and some white wines ; leaves in stewed fruits and for flavouring cheese and cheese dishes , including cheesecake ; should not be eaten by diabetics
23 In Law , Legislation and Liberty Hayek went even further and suggested that , since legislation proper ‘ should not be governed by interests but by opinion ’ , what is required ‘ is an assembly of men and women elected at a relatively mature age for fairly long periods , such as fifteen years ’ .
24 It should not be supported by sticks or hooped frames to form ‘ tunnels ’ as movement in the wind may wear holes in it .
25 Mr Bent says the scheme should not be dismissed by farmers achieving high cereal gross margins , as the £121.20/ha ( £48.50/acre ) payment can be trebled by the refund of cereal co-responsibility levy on grain sold from this year 's harvest .
26 She was careful that her occupation should not be suspected by servants or visitors or any persons beyond her own family party . ’
27 Thus , although there has been an extension of fraud as credit facilities have expanded , this has not affected the central principle on which the regulation of fraud is based — that at all costs ‘ free enterprise ’ should not be discouraged by fear of prosecution .
28 Operating expenditure should not be financed by borrowing ; if it is then future taxpayers are paying for services they will not benefit from .
29 The party leader should not be chosen by MPs alone .
30 One member of the Lindop committee , Paul Sieghart , a lawyer , told New Scientist last week that the chief officers feeling in 1978 ‘ was that intelligence systems — with unverified non-factual information — should not find their way into factual systems , and therefore [ the data ] should not be retrieved by people looking for factual information . ’
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