Example sentences of "[modal v] not [vb infin] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Every separatist movement in Europe that I can think of bases itself on ‘ ethnicity ’ , linguistic or not , that is to say on the assumption that ‘ we ’ — the Basques , Catalans , Scots , Croats , or Georgians are a different people from the Spaniards , the English , the Serbs or the Russians , and therefore we should not live in the same state with them .
2 But if a total consciousness is an organic whole , then some or all of these parts could not exist in the same character in another different sort of whole .
3 The way in which Eadwine was able eventually to induce Eorpwald , king of the eastern Angles , to accept Christianity ( HE 11 , 15 ) would suggest that the eastern Anglian court was more amenable to Eadwine 's influence than the Mercian upon which Eadwine could not prevail in the same way .
4 The exclusion principle is crucial because it explains why matter particles do not collapse to a state of very high density under the influence of the forces produced by the particles of spin 0 , 1 , and 2 : if the matter particles have very nearly the same positions , they must have different velocities , which means that they will not stay in the same position for long .
5 Creating multimedia applications will be so much more difficult than transferring data to CD-ROM , that the number of programs will not escalate in the same way .
6 If one assumes the no boundary condition for the universe , we shall see that there must be well-defined thermodynamic and cosmological arrows of time , but they will not point in the same direction for the whole history of the universe .
7 House prices will not rise in the same way and consumers who have been through that experience have been hard bitten by it .
8 If the government intervenes to ‘ peg ’ ( i.e. fix ) the exchange rate or even to prevent excessive fluctuations , the transmission mechanism will not work in the same way as we have described .
9 Pauli 's exclusion principle says that two similar particles can not exist in the same state , that is , they can not have both the same position and the same velocity , within the limits given by the uncertainty principle .
10 One can not prove in the same way that senior bureaucrats do not implement effective conservation because there is no extra financial inducement and it could involve them in embarrassing political contradictions .
11 As dependent individuals are not vociferous consumers , ordinary market forces can not operate in the same way as might be possible for the acute sector .
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