Example sentences of "[modal v] not [vb infin] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They form the ultimate distillation , but must not form the only aspect of your studies ; the skeleton must be clothed , and study must be pursued into all the ramifications of the life 's work to which your books and papers direct you .
2 To avoid customers being prejudiced in this way , a firm must not effect a contingent liability transaction unless it can show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands : ( 1 ) The circumstances under which he may be required to provide any margin ; ( 2 ) Particulars of the form in which the margin may be provided ; ( 3 ) Particulars of the steps which the firm may be entitled to take if the customer fails to provide the required margin ; ( 4 ) That failure by the customer to meet a margin call may lead to the firm closing out his position after time limits specified by the firm , and that the firm will be required to close out the position in any event after a period of five business days ; and ( 5 ) That circumstances other than failure to provide margin may lead to the customer 's position being closed out with prior reference to him .
3 Whatever the difficulties involved in applying Halliday 's model of thematic analysis to a given language , and irrespective of whether it is possible to reproduce the thematic patterning of the source text on a given occasion , one thing is certain : translators must not underestimate the cumulative effect of thematic choices on the way we interpret text .
4 With or without the complicity of the government statutory services are performing a very limited role , However , we must not underestimate the potential role of services as it seems highly likely that propensity of the informal sector is enhanced rather than diminished by the support of statutory agencies .
5 In talking about American influences on English Nonconformity we must not give an unbalanced picture .
6 The second important point is that we must not treat the institutional population as a single group .
7 we have had a letter back and it 's exactly the same as I got when I rang them up , if they just say it must not exceed a certain amount and they wo n't be tied down to tell me .
8 Where , in complying with s 51(8) , the responsible person reduces the amount which would otherwise be awarded to the person in question , the amount of that reduction must not exceed a prescribed percentage ( for the time being 25 per cent ) and on any taxation of the costs payable by that person to his legal representative , regard must be had to the amount of the reduction ( s 51(9) ) .
9 And that 's where you start to get your problems irrespective of whether your appliances are correctly fused you must make sure they are correctly fused but you must not exceed the thirteen amp otherwise you 've had it .
10 Rule 5 – 43 provides that a firm must not make a personal recommendation to a private customer to deal , or arrange a deal in the exercise of discretion for any customer , if the dealing would reasonably be regarded as too frequent in the circumstances .
11 the no profit rule — a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary must not make a secret profit from his position without first obtaining the consent of the principal and disclosing the profit ;
12 The obligation of directors to account for profits made as a result of abusing ( in the sense of taking advantage of ) their position as directors is often described as the principle that directors must not make a secret profit .
13 I must not make the same mistake this time .
14 We must not make the same mistake again .
15 This means that it must not be wider than is reasonably necessary for the protection of the employer 's business ; it must not place an unreasonable restraint on the employee 's freedom to earn his or her living ; and it must not be too wide from the public viewpoint .
16 The second is that you must not expect a large metropolis .
17 The football stable must be cleansed and further breakages of the law regarding payments will be dealt with in such a severe manner that I now give warning that clubs and players must not expect the slightest leniency
18 Patients must not expect an endless supply of alternative drugs .
19 She must not forget the other reason why she had wished to find work here , and exile from her old life was not the main one for her presence in Vetch Street .
20 But we must not forget the great flysch troughs which were developed in Alpine Europe through much of Cretaceous time and which in many cases continued on into the Tertiary .
21 No one has advanced our studies so far in this direction , although one must not forget the valuable work of M. R. Hull on the Colchester industry ( 1963 ) .
22 Although we must not forget the sizeable minority who are caught in a poverty trap , during recent years wages and salaries have risen overall more than the cost of living , and educational opportunities have widened .
23 The creep of the wood is the reason why one must not leave a wooden bow or a violin tightly strung .
24 As part of a five-year probation , Griffin must not leave the jail-like clinic for the first six months .
25 We must not leave the eighteenth century without mention of the great typefounder and printer of Birmingham , John Baskerville ( 1706–75 ) , who not only designed the famous type that bears his name but greatly improved the general standard of English printing and gave us , in 1763 , one of the most splendid editions of the Bible .
26 One of these was Piccadilly Circus , the authors observing that : ‘ here the architectural setting becomes a major consideration , although this must not preclude a satisfactory traffic solution ’ ( para. 32 ) — an almost prophetic comment , bearing in mind the events relating to Piccadilly in the 1960s ( see p. 168 ) .
27 She must not let a nervous glance betray her .
28 We must not let the public pessimism of a few destroy the optimism of many .
29 The fact that many syllabuses and teachers ' books are full of relevant and challenging content and that in every country schools can be found where interesting and exciting work is in progress , must not obscure the central problem .
30 We must not expend every last drop of sympathy on William Titford the cardmaker , for there are others who need some too ; William 's brother Thomas was one .
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