Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] them [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The distance was short but dawn must not find them exposed without cover .
2 His words gave her a slight shock as they sent tingles of pleasure through her , but she knew she must not allow them to go to her head , so she pushed them aside as she uttered a light laugh and said , ‘ Me — an angel ?
3 Everyone should demand if the security guards are not functioning their duty we should not let them go by so
4 ‘ You may not want them to begin with , but you should n't fix it , do n't say ‘ I 'll never want children ’ , and do n't put him in that position either .
5 Even Mahmoud , however , could not get them to work in the afternoons and he too , like Owen , normally used the afternoons to catch up on desk work and reading .
6 But if the electrons in the inversion layer are connected to a reservoir , as we have asserted to explain the plateaux , one would not expect them to behave like free , independent particles .
7 I 'm disturbed with what Phil says as he argues that we should trust staff but we would not like them knocking on doors .
8 The headmaster would not allow them to go into the sixth form here .
9 I would not let them suffer from my selfish desire to have my own life .
10 And now my family have offered forty-nine cattle to his family , but the government will not take them to give to his family in England . ’
11 In these schools , while national legislation will nudge staff to introduce procedures for involving and informing parents where this is required by law , it will not encourage them to go beyond such procedures to establish the kinds of voluntary open dialogue and day-to-day collaboration which can do so much to enhance the quality of a child 's education .
12 You can not expect them to fight for you but their presence may deter the less determined thug .
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