Example sentences of "[modal v] be used by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The procedures which must be followed before a trial in the High Court or county court should be used by the parties to expose the real area of difference between them and concentrate attention upon it .
2 There are therefore some techniques of measurement preferred by the engineer or other materials user as giving the information he or she needs in design , whereas different techniques may be used by the materials scientist in probing the microstructure and molecular structure of the material .
3 Understandably there was continued suspicion that their lower levels of pay would be used by the shipowners to " stabilise " wages for the period of the war and after .
4 An increasing number of archivists and a few historians are coming to believe that a major change has taken place in the manner in which human society creates the evidence which will be used by the historians who , in the future , come to write about the late twentieth century ( Morris , et. al. 1992 ) .
5 Employers can be used by the courts to obtain payments from those in arrears with fines , maintenance , housing and consumer credit agreements .
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