Example sentences of "[modal v] be made on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A pencil mark should be made on the pipe around the mouth of the fitting after the pipe has been pushed fully home so that the pipe can then be withdrawn about 10mm from the fitting on installation .
2 Having accepted the fact that good lighting , unworn carpeting ( fitted if possible ) or non-slip vinyl floor-covering and an absence of rugs and odd mats is essential , a check should be made on the positioning and stability of the handrail the elderly person will depend upon for going up and down stairs .
3 Application for admission to the first year of these courses should be made on the University 's direct entry form directly to the University of Ulster .
4 Application for entry to the Certificate in Foundation Studies in Art and Design and Higher National Diplomas should be made on the University 's Direct Entry form which is available at all schools in Northern Ireland .
5 It was decided that a charge of eighteen shillings should be made on the Cambridge School of Anatomy to cover the cost of each coffin when bodies of unclaimed and unknown persons were sent there .
6 Whether or not to select a model with sloping sides or vertical ones should be made on the basis of the types of crops you intend to grow .
7 However , decisions should be made on the basis of a structured analysis of candidates ' qualities .
8 The decision of whether to prescribe an antidepressant should be made on the basis of whether the patient shows ‘ biological ’ features of depression which predict a good response ( e.g. early morning wakening , diurnal mood variation , and weight loss due to impaired appetite ) ; whether , in the case of severe depression , one can afford to wait for the delayed response of an antidepressant ; and the extent to which environmental factors seem largely to explain the symptoms .
9 Can not the right hon. Gentleman accept that the Para battalions should have been the last to be cut , and that , if cuts must be made , they should be made on the basis of operational effectiveness , not political expediency ?
10 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
11 Nor is it unknown for agreements to provide that payments should be made on the basis of book values , avoiding the expense of revaluation and leaving the benefits of capital appreciation to the continuing partners .
12 An application for the allowance should be made on the mortgage allowance claim form .
13 During the time the patient is in the care of the theatre staff , preparations should be made on the ward for his return ( see page 47 ) .
14 Therefore , every time an entry is made on the debit side , another entry of equal value must be made on the credit side somewhere in the books .
15 In principle , the allocation must be made on the basis of relative priority .
16 All design decisions must be made on the basis of understanding two factors — the audience and the message .
17 A fall-back plan , if the opening attack failed to take the Isle of Wight , called for the combined fleet to anchor in Torbay , from which raids might be made on the Channel Islands and Plymouth .
18 New shares are applied for on the expectation that the issue will be underpriced and hence a profit might be made on the difference between the immediate market price and the issue or striking price .
19 Prof John Williams , NEWI executive principal , confirmed that no decision could be made on the future of County Buildings until April 1 , when the institute becomes independent .
20 ( 1 ) The offer may be made on the London Stock Exchange , or elsewhere subject to the FSA ( but the advantage of using the London Stock Exchange is that its procedures are tried and tested ) .
21 In general terms , heavier impacts may be made on the body because of the muscular ‘ padding ’ available .
22 Attacks may be made on the offeror 's financial resources , gearing , capital structure , dividend policy , interest burden , profit performance , past history and takeover track record .
23 Idle — or perhaps not so idle — mention may be made on the radio news of a distant tropical depression known to be forming somewhere close to an exotic and encouragingly far away island — Yap , maybe , or Truk , or the northern Matianas .
24 The depreciation allocation to each year may be made on the basis of time or service using one of a variety of methods ( for example , straight line , units of production , sum of the years ' digits , reducing balance ) which are described in most standard accounting texts .
25 ‘ The Bolsheviks were worried that a rescue attempt would be made on the Alexander Palace .
26 The introductions would be made on the coach .
27 They doubted whether valid measures of all of the areas of development could be devised ; they maintained that the tests used would have a distorting and trivializing effect on pupils ' learning ( 'this year 's test becomes next year 's curriculum' ) : they pointed to the possibility , notwithstanding the assurances that light sampling techniques would be deployed , that superficial comparisons would be made on the basis of inadequate evidence between areas and between schools ; and they detected in the paraphernalia of mass testing associated with the APU the most sinister intrusion of central government into the work of the schools and the spectre of state-controlled curricula .
28 The defendant , a Greek bank of the private sector , had announced a public open competition for hiring of male and female employees , specifying that appointments would be made on the basis of separate lists of successful candidates , according to sex and marks obtained .
29 As well as giving him moral ascendancy over the rest of the company , driving himself to exhaustion might also cloud critical judgement , so that comments would be made on the effort that had gone into the show rather than on its quality . )
30 The criteria under Art 7(5) to which the court is to have regard in deciding whether to transfer are : " ( a ) the financial substance of the action including the value of any counterclaim , ( b ) whether the action is otherwise important and , in particular whether it raises questions of importance to persons who are not parties or questions of general public interest , ( c ) the complexity of the facts , legal issues , remedies or procedures involved , and ( d ) whether transfer is likely to result in a more speedy trial of the action but no transfer shall be made on the grounds of subparagraph ( d ) alone . "
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