Example sentences of "[modal v] be find in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is common ground that any power to make the order sought must be found in the Act , since the English courts have no inherent jurisdiction to act in aid of a foreign court and , as a matter of English domestic law , treaties only take effect as part of that law to the extent that they are incorporated by statute , with or without modification .
2 The time of leaving home usually marks the point where accommodation must be found in the housing ‘ market ’ ( using the term ‘ market ’ loosely ) .
3 However , the ultimate test of family happiness must be found in the words of Paul : ‘ Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret , but worldly sorrow brings death . ’
4 Most of these patients died for reasons unrelated to their strange behaviour , and such microscopic abnormalities as might be found in the brain seemed too obscure to account for the disturbance of the mind .
5 Dublin 's culture might be found in the ghost city we half remember , half imagine .
6 A bridge between the legislating church and the law-making king might be found in the role of the clergy who until c. 1290 still dominated the royal judiciary , although by no means were all these men canon lawyers .
7 In the more symbolic terms , a damning inditement of medieval culture might be found in the situation and behaviour of the wife .
8 In five of the subjects with chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction , a continuously irregular frequency was present such that no clear dominant frequency could be found in the recording ( Fig 2 ) .
9 SO WHEN THE DUST cleared after Armageddon , what meaning could be found in the ruins ?
10 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
11 Management at Darlington 's Memorial Hospital introduced new procedures a few weeks ago when no food could be found in the hospital for a diabetic patient who had just been admitted .
12 The US authorities instigated 1,551 cases , but of these only 45 per cent were prosecuted as criminal ; the majority were dealt with as civil matters even though little difference could be found in the types of anti-trust behaviour these corporations committed .
13 These examples show that , as in all cases , whether an adjective counts as restrictive or not depends on what exactly is in the mental focus of the speaker on any particular token occasion , and definitely not on any relation of inclusion that might exist between the meanings of the adjective and noun as type elements , such as could be found in the dictionary ( or more accurately between those parts of an external world which might be correlated with the meanings of the adjective and noun ) .
14 More complex structures were revealed in crystals , and precise proportional relationships could be found in the arrangement of leaves and branches and the spirals of growing shoots .
15 The series did not have a uniform intellectual line and many varieties of opinion could be found in the contributors .
16 Again no parasites could be found in the blood , but they appeared later , even if a course of quinine had been given in the meantime .
17 Additional details of other entries that may be found in the certificate ( eg notices ) are set out later in this chapter .
18 The technique of cookery is contained in cookery books and the technique of discovery in natural science may be found in the rules of research , observation and verification .
19 Further offences of endangerment may be found in the Firearms Act 1968 .
20 Support for these propositions may be found in the case of Re B .
21 Thus the pilots may be found in the Engines Section absorbing the means whereby the aviation spirit and flames arrive at the right place at the right time to produce the urge for forward movement , or they could be watching in some fascination an array of lights and switches on a array known as ‘ electrics ’ which behave themselves so well under the persuasion of the engines instructor , but which flash and fail to respond in such heart-breaking fashion when the student is urged to demonstrate that he has ‘ got ’ it .
22 New research by C. M. Habibullah and researchers in the Gastroenterology Unit of Osmania University in Hyderabad , India , suggests that the answer may be found in the patient 's fingerprints !
23 There are , of course , many schools other than those listed in the appendix , and also a great many private coaches , all of whom may be found in the publication Contacts , a trade book everyone interested in joining the profession should obtain from the office of The Spotlight , 42–43 Cranbourn St , London WC2H 7AP .
24 Clues as to why may be found in the factor analysis of their attitudes towards SSE as a general notion ( that is not specifically linked to the LEA scheme ) .
25 Little help for either view may be found in the accounts of the life of Fahreddin Acemi in the early sources , however , for particularly in regard to the critical period after the death of Molla Fenari they give little information .
26 One answer to this problem may be found in the documents which record the surrender of their freedom by substantial peasant landholders in the eleventh century : the landlords bought their subjection for a substantial grant of land ; in return , by becoming serfs , the peasants agreed never to leave their plot of land .
27 A fuller treatment of the principles applicable to the interpretation of contracts may be found in The Interpretation of Contracts ( Sweet and Maxwell , 1989 ) by the author .
28 An illustrative case may be found in the work and practical impact of William Morris , who sought not only to recognize but also to ameliorate the social and aesthetic impact of the machine , partly under the influence of socialist ideas .
29 Tables in the text that are number A.1 to A.13 may be found in the Appendix .
30 A second factor may be found in the nature of particle movement within waves when they run into shallow water .
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